Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fast Food and Vending Machines Aren’t the Problem Essay

There has been an ongoing debate as to whether schools should be allowed to subsidize and sell fast food in the cafeterias as well as the use of vending machines in schools. I believe that it is when people who prepared the food started to lose sight of proper nutrition and portioning that made the problem. In some schools, vending machines are also part of the money-making machine that helps fund a schools various academic and day to day activities. At the Old Orchard Beach School, it has been reported that: The team implemented Tulane University’s CATCH nutrition education curriculum and wrote school vending policies that led to the removal of sodas and junk foods, and replaced them with water, 100% fruit juices, and healthier snack options. The vending machine signage was changed to advertise water instead of soda pop. The vendors were very cooperative in making the changes, and vending revenues have remained the same. Students have also taken an active role by writing their own nutrition policies, such as policies regarding foods served for classroom parties. At the Vista High school, Enid Hohn is the Director of Child Nutrition Services for Vista School District. He has learned to use the â€Å"necessary evil† to the benefit of his students and the school system. In 2005, with the support of the School Superintendent, he converted the junk vending machine at the Vista High School into a healthy, popular, moneymaking machine for the school. He relates the success story of his pilot project this way: The Principal was not very enthusiastic about this change. He indicated that he had been receiving $600. 00 per month ($7,200. 00 per year) in vending commission and was not interested in losing it. CNS gave him a $10,000. 00 signing bonus to offset his fears. We had difficulty getting students interested in signing up to try all the free food and beverages so we set up sample tables in a room close to the eating area and coerced students to come in and help us. We conducted food testing for three days and involved about 100 students. Once that was done it was important to set up focus groups with various students. Once school started we determined there was a need for additional machines due to the popularity of the Healthy Alternative Vending Program and the volume of items students were purchasing. (qtd. in Healthy Vending: The Vending Challenge paragraph 16) I am arguing that school vending machines should be allowed to sell fast food that fall under specified criteria controlled by the Child Nutrition Services of each school district based on the above information. The school earns the funding they need while staying within the guidelines of proper health and nutrition, while the children nutritious food without knowing it. Certain school districts argue that selling junk food and sodas in vending machines which are easily accessible to students in between classes since these are mostly located in the lobby cause deterioration in the student’s over all performance. It makes him sluggish, gives him a shorter attention span and prevents him from concentrating. Jeffrey Koplan, vice president of for academic health affairs of Emory University has stated that: Obesity may be a personal issue, but at the same time, families, communities, and corporations all are adversely affected by obesity and all bear responsibility for changing social norms to better promote healthier lifestyles. We recognize that several of our recommendations challenge entrenched aspects of American life and business, but if we are not willing to make some fundamental shifts in our attitudes and actions, obesity’s toll on our nation’s health and well-being will only worsen. (qtd. in National Effort Urgently Needed to Combat Childhood Obesity; Actions Required by Schools, Families, Communities, Industry, and Government paragraph 2. ) In addition, the National Effort Urgently Needed to Combat Childhood Obesity; Actions Required by Schools, Families, Communities, Industry, and Government, report also warned parents and schools alike that: By the time they are 14 years old, 52 percent of boys and 32 percent of girls are drinking three or more eight-ounce servings of soda a day. It would help for us to remember that vending machines don’t stock themselves, we do. This whole argument will prove to be a farce if the parents of the children can’t or won’t supervise the children or serve a nutritionally balanced meal at home. I refer you once again to the opinion of the National Effort Urgently Needed to Combat Childhood Obesity; Actions Required by Schools, Families, Communities, Industry, and Government report: Parents can exert a profound influence on their children by promoting healthy foods and an active lifestyle from an early age and serving as role models. Parents can encourage their children to develop a healthy, varied diet by introducing new foods in a persistent but non-coercive fashion. Studies show that repeated exposure is most critical during the early years of life and that it can take five to 10 exposures to a new food before a child will accept it. (qtd. in National Effort Urgently Needed to Combat Childhood Obesity; Actions Required by Schools, Families, Communities, Industry, and Government paragraph 5 I therefore, would like to reiterate that, there is no real reason with which to ban junk food and vending machines in schools. Instead, schools should learn to package â€Å"healthy† junk food. Learn how to use these things in order to promote good health and proper nutrition. The students will certainly be much more receptive of this approach. Works Cited: 1. Enid Hohn, R. D. , Director of Child Nutrition Services. Healthy Vending: The Vending Challenge. November 2006. November 13, 2006 2. National Effort Urgently Needed to Combat Childhood Obesity; Actions Required by Schools, Families, Communities, Industry, and Government. September 30, 2004. November 13, 2006. 3. Schools and School Districts That Have Improved School Food and Beverages and Not Lost Revenue. November 2006. November 13, 2006. 4. Bruce Buchanan. Getting to Wellness. October 2005. November 13, 2006.

Robot Palletizing

PROC teach_drop() MoveJ drop_pt,v1000,fine,tool0; ENDPROC PROC open_gripper() Reset do1; WaitTime 0. 5; ENDPROC QuickTeach software- Creating and calling a subroutine by passing parameter/s to it A. Select â€Å"Routines† from the â€Å"VIEW† top menu keys 1. Cursor to the new subroutine 2. Select â€Å"Decl† (Declaration) from the bottom function keys 3. Select â€Å"Jump† key to switch to bottom half of the page 4. Select â€Å"new† to create a new parameter for subroutine 5. Select â€Å"Right† arrow key to â€Å"Param1† 6. Select â€Å"Text† from the bottom function keys 7. Type the variable name â€Å"y† Repeat the steps 4-7 for more parameters B.Call and set the for the subroutine 1. Select â€Å"ProcCall† and select the subroutine 2. Type or select the variable name. 3. Type â€Å"y† 4. Select â€Å"ok† 5. The result is â€Å"Routine1 y†. Selection buttons and instructions Selecting a nu mber of instructions: Robotic Envelop and Bill of Material (BOM) Bill Of Material ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION REMARKS PPNP unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 2 ABB IRB 1400 Robot manipulator S4 Controller Pallet Output conveyor In feed conveyor Spring Stand Pneumatic PNP unit PLC unit Allen Bradley & OMRON PLC Part Pick 2 x10 matrixUse only top view of the cell Do not label the components in the drawing itself 8 ABB Rapid new instructions TPWRITE â€Å"Remarks† Type in message to display on the teach pendant for the operator. TPERASE Clear the screen of the teach pendant. Case Study – 2 dimensional palletizing Write a 2Ãâ€"3 palletizing program for the ABB robot. The robot will pick up parts from the conveyor belt and place them on the packaging tray. a) Sketch the layout of the application. (Include the robot, robot envelope, pallet, conveyors, other components. b) Sketch the Program Routine Layouts c) Write the program Specifications: The tray is arranged into 10 columns (7 6. 2 mm in x direction) and 2 rows (50. 8 mm between in y direction) Subroutine names:Main, Home, Pick, Pallet, Open_gripper, Close_ gripper, and the Teach_Drop ABB Rapid – Case Study PROC MAIN() ! MAIN routine – Layer 1 ! Clear the Teach Pendant screen TPERASE; ! Display message on the Teach Pendant TPWrite; â€Å" 2 x 3 Palletizing program† ! Declare VARIABLES rows := 2; columns := 3; ! Program Logic MoveJ Home, V1000, Z50, T1; WaitTime 0. ; Pallet; MoveJ Home, V1000, Z50, T1; ENDPROC Nested â€Å"FOR† loop PROC Pallet() ! Palletizing routine – Layer 2 ! y is in the inner loop and x is in the outer loop FOR x FROM 0 TO rows-1 STEP1 DO FOR y FROM 0 TO columns-1 STEP1 DO PICKUP; MoveJ Offs(droppt, x*76. 2, y*50. 8, 50),v1000,fine,tool0; MoveLOffs(droppt, x*76. 2, y*50. 8, 0),v1000,fine,tool0; opengripper; MoveL Offs(droppt, x*76. 2, y*50. 8, 50),v1000,fine,tool0; ENDFOR ENDFOR Adding TPReadFK instruction TPReadFK (TPRead Function Keys) – whe n the robot waits for an operator input.TPReadFK Variable,â€Å" â€Å",†1†³,†2†³,†3†, â€Å"4†,†5†³; Variable value – depends on the pressed function Key. The variable will be assigned with the value 1 to 5. † First quotationâ€Å" – Blank â€Å"1† – Replace 1 with the preferred text. ( Same for â€Å"2†,†3†³, â€Å"4†, and â€Å"5â€Å") Use the Variable as a condition for the IF†¦ Else IF.. condition 2-dimensional palletizing with TPReadFK ! MAIN subroutine – Layer 1 PROC MAIN() ! Display message on the Teach Pendant TPERASE; TPWrite â€Å" Palletizing program†; ! Declare VARIABLES ! Rows:=2; Cols:=3; !User define Pallet Matrix subroutine usr_def; ! Program Logic Home; ! WaitDi di7,1; (Next semester) WaitTime 0. 5; Palletize; Home; WaitTime 1; ENDPROC ! User defined Pallet Matrix subroutine PROC usr_def() TPErase; TPReadFK User_IN,â€Å" â€Å", †1Ãâ€"2†³,†2Ãâ€"3†³,†2Ãâ€"4†,â€Å" â€Å",â€Å" â€Å"; IF User_IN =1 THEN Rows:=1; Cols:=2; ELSEIF User_IN =2 THEN Rows:=2; Cols:=3; ELSEIF User_IN =3 THEN Rows:=2; Cols:=4; ENDIF ENDPROC TPReadFK in QuickTeach software Select IPL1 select #7 Communicate. Then create the TPReadFK instruction. Highlight the variable name and select the Enter key.Type the variable name Skip first quotation by selecting the â€Å"Next† function key. Then select the â€Å"Text† function key to type â€Å"1X2†. Repeat the steps for â€Å"2 x 3† and â€Å"2 x 2 x 2† matrix or any other matrix you want. Below the TPReadFK instruction, create the If-ThenElse instruction. TPReadFK in QuickTeach software cont’d.. Else IF Instruction Select IPL1 Select the IF instruction. Highlight the entire instruction Select enter key From the function keys, select ADD Select ELSE IF to create the instruction, then select OK. Case study â⠂¬â€œ 3D palletizing

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Patron Saint of Butterflies Essay Essay

The main characters of the story are Honey, and Agnes. The whole book was written in a switch off format which is when Honey and Agnes each write a chapter on what happened in there own thoughts. The story shows a relationship between two girls that slowly grow apart holding tight onto what they have left in their friendship. The characters are Honey, her dad which is Mr. Little, Mrs. Little, Nana Pete, Lillian, Benny, and the owners of Mount Blessing, Mother Veronica and Father Emmanuel. In this story, the characters are in a conflict; Mother Veronica and Father Emmanuel were the ones that were against Lillian, Nana Pete, Honey, and Agnes. There were against each other because Father Emmanuel was punishing the people that lived on Mount Blessing. The story started like this, Agnes was looking for Honey she got into trouble. Honey was punished by Emmanuel because she kissed a boy, on her back; Veronica had carved the word â€Å"harlot†. Soon, Nana Pete (Agnes and Benny’s grandmother) found out about the regulation room where people were being punished at. Nana Pete decides to leave after she found out, when Benny had his finger slammed in the door. Someone had called the police, but because Emmanuel knew he was going to get into trouble if the police come, so he decides to it on himself clumsily. Nana Pete takes him to the hospital where they had to undo everything that Emmanuel had done. Right after Benny had woken up, they escape from Mount blessing where Agnes really doesn’t want to because she wants to become a saint, but Honey dreads to escape that place from the day her was born. Honey had to say goodbye to Winky, the person that Honey owns a utterfly garden with. Honey also left a note about if Agnes ever goes back, Honey made Winky call the cops. They travel across from Connecticut all the way to Texas. On the way, Agnes faced a lot of things that were considered a sin, like eating stuff that are red, watching T. V. and listening to the radio which was all considered sins but Honey did all of them even when she knew it was against the rules on Mount Blessing. Agnes struggles to be with Honey because of their differences, especially when they arrive to the destination and meet a girl amed Lillian. Actually, Lillian is Honey’s mother that had left her when she was only a baby, the story of her mother was complicated. She was wonderful at the violin when she had went to Mount Blessing, so she instantly was accepted into Emmanuel’s inner group which usually take years to do. But at that time she was already pregnant but the people in the inner circle knew nothing about it, when they did, Honey was already born into this world, so they made Lillian go away and let Honey stay with Lillian’s brother, Joseph (Mr.Little). Things turn out pretty well until Nana Pete had died from a heart attacked. Honey and Agnes had a major fight after Agnes was praying for Nana Pete to come back alive, Honey said that it was impossible and had some argument that had caused Honey to hit Agnes. Rushing out the door, Honey hopped into the truck and then drove to the shop Lillian owned. She rushed in causing everyone to suddenly look at her, and then she dragged Lillian back, at that same time Agnes had called her parents to fly here and go pick up Agnes. After her parents arrive, Mr. Little called Lillian the name she was given at Mount Blessing. After Agnes left, that was when Honey found out Lillian was her mother, also she finally knew the reason why Nana Pete treated her like her own grandchild. When Agnes arrived at Mount Blessing, she saw there were rows of police cars parked in front of the regulation room, the cops wanted to see all of the children, alone, that is when Emmanuel said â€Å"remember, we are believers† meaning for them to not tell anything about the room. Because the children were so scared they all didn’t respond to the negative things that were mentioned about Mount Blessing. But then, Agnes thought about what was right and what she should do, slowly with trembling legs, she stood up. At the same time, Honey and Lillian was driving to Mount Blessing, when they arrive, the cops arrived because of the fact that Winky had called the police. A few weeks later, all of the parents were to be kept in order to be questioned, that is when Honey and Agnes stand on the same line, and race each other to the finish line. They raced each other at the end because Agnes wanted to be a saint, and she thought racing was a sin, but she finally loosened up from what Honey had helped her with. I thought this book was the adventurous kind in the beginning, but then did I find out it was about friendship and love. This book was very touching from what Honey had described in one of the chapters about how Agnes had changed from the friend that she use to know to what she is now, a saint to be. I thought that it was outrageous when I read to the part about that they were hit by Emmanuel. To what I think, people should not be punished by what they have done just according to the rules that some guy had made, and I thought that if the kids don’t want to live there, why do their parents make them? In a lot of the chapters, it showed that Agnes had a string that was tied around the waist, and every time she had committed a sin, she would tighten the string, just imagining it I would think would be hard enough for me, but to do it, it takes guts. This booked talked a lot about friendship and trust, and I also thought it was so touching when it told the ending about how they raced each other. It would be hard for me to ever still hold on to the friendship that Agnes and Honey had held on to, I would just have stopped being friends with Agnes instead of trying to convince her back to being normal. I really loved this book because it connected with the experiences that I had, my friend, well more like best friend had started to ‘fit in’ with the crowd, and soon, she pretended that she didn’t ever know me. But before I came to America, I had to say goodbye to her, and she said that the only reason she left me was because I started making new friends and didn’t even talk to her. The misunderstanding was all over, but the things that had already happened could not be solved, so I felt that I was in the same relationship with my best friend just like how Agnes and Honey was. This story could be told to all ages and not to a limited age, it talks about friendship, trust, and most important, holding onto your friend.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cannibalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cannibalism - Essay Example Philibrick (2001) traces the history of cannibalism and relates it to how the sailors and fishermen actually used to slaughter their own mates in the face of what is called an absolute necessity. He presented a side of history of cannibalism which is based on slaughtering humans in order to fulfill the needs of other humans under extreme conditions. He justifies cannibalism mostly on the basis of the acute needs which have to be fulfilled in order to actually allow others to survive. Therefore, the sense of civility did prevail in those who actually attempted to consume the flesh of their fellow travelers. This historical account provides a different dimension of how cannibalism has been practiced out of necessity (Sandel, 2010). It is critical to understand that from a relativist approach it may be difficult to justify or even define cannibalism, as it draws the line between what an acceptable behavior actually is and what it is not. Cannibalism has colonial roots; European invaders used it as a tool to civilize those who were engaged in such horrifying practice. As such, cannibalism was also used as a reason to use violence and killing against those who were practicing it in the New World. This dimension of cannibalism can suggest some sort of historical distortion about this practice in order to validate brutal attempts of using violence against those communities which were involved in this practice (Salisbury, 2001). Cannibalism can also be an act of revenge and anger, which lead to this practice even to date; cannibalism has also been viewed from this perspective by different tribes in Amazon. Cannibalism has also a compassionate face; during funerals, it is a practice caused by compassion. This kind of argument is relatively different from that of what typical anthropological theory actually stated. Cannibalism can also be based on the overall worldviews of those who practice it; it

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 3

Human Rights - Essay Example Further, Section 3, sub section 2, delineated that the validity of this provision of legislation applies to such kind of primary legislation, which could be state courts of member countries, but in no way, could impinges upon enforcement and operation ability of existing laws, that are not in consistency with laws of the ECHR, or in the enforcement of inconsistent lower legislation, should the primary legislation not be competent enough, to take cognisance of such secondary legislation enforcement. Thus effectively, it is seen that apropos HRA 1998, British Courts are themselves required to act compatibly with the Convention, thus putting broader responsibility on them to incorporate and apply the Convention and its elucidation by the European Court of Human Rights. UK courts are also privileged to amend specific provisions of UK laws to make them in line with European Convention, provided it does not disagree with the express intentions of UK Parliament.  2 The main idea behind this however, is that that secondary laws in countries could still co-exist, independent of the fact that ECHR laws are inconsistent with them, or cannot be enforced in certain contexts. 3 Normally it is seen that in case of European Convention laws clashing with State or domestic laws, it is necessary for local laws to be amended in order to provide for implementation of EC laws and conventions. But perhaps this is not applicable in the case of ECHR laws which deal with Human rights. But in the cases of ECHR, it is believed that the verdicts of national courts determine internal laws, and it is to these decisions that law of precedents need to be applied. Therefore, the application of European laws needs to respect the framework of domestic and local laws in its installation and enforcement of diktats. 4 The ECHR broadly lays down the various articles that underpin the enforcement of various human right laws in the United Kingdoms and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Moral Use of Force Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Moral Use of Force - Essay Example The authors, Brunstetter and Braun, in this article make the recount of the position that war is vast and as such, Walzer did distinguish the aspect that the recent war approaches, entailing unjust war where use of drones and spying aspects of practice, are not as predictable in outcome as the full-scale attack which entails use of force. However, the course of discussion in the text is the issue that irrespective of the rising models of war not having predictable catastrophic consequences, the fact remains they are unjust and such are morally illegal, despite the state's men using these arguments of their safety to justify and endorse them accordingly. The course as advanced in Jus ad Vim the issue of just use of force is notably a course of ethical framework to govern the state-sponsored use of force against other states or non-state actors within and outside the territory of the nation, which is contrary to the traditionally defined confines of war (Brunstetter & Braun, 2013). The political approach of the argument with respect to the understanding of this issue, as the authors of this article outline, it is a justifiable course. This is considering the implications it has on part of the government and the troops involved in the war. Notably, this political factor entails that the use of Jus ad Vim unlike the conventional war, brings the troops diminished risks especially from suffering attack that could prove destructive. Further, the aspect of advancing this war is less predictable.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Eng Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Eng - Research Paper Example It is difficult to say exactly where soccer originated as there have been several games from different countries that have the same foundations as the soccer game that we know today. There is a record in China, wherein soccer was called Cuju which literally means â€Å"kick ball†. There was a claim that Cuju was invented by the Yellow Emperor as fitness training for military men and cavaliers. These Cuju matches were held at the Imperial Palace and was said to be played by scholars and intellectuals of Ancient China. There is also once record of Mesoamericans playing a game similar to soccer but instead of using the traditional soccer ball, they used rubber balls which made it a little more difficult to play with. The said game is said to be a combination of soccer, volleyball and basketball. It is said that the object of the game is to kick the rubber ball up the basket in order to score a point. Among the Ancient Greeks and Romans, the game that is similar to soccer is calle d Pheninda. It is said that Pheninda is a combination of soccer and rugby. In this game, there are no rules thus making it quite a dangerous game and a lot of players were injured. The Middle Ages saw the birth of a soccer game called Mob Soccer in Europe. In this game, the ball that they have to kick is made of pig’s bladders and sometimes, stuffed leather skin. ... The object of this game is to strike the ball into the other team’s goal by whatever ways they have. This meant that one can use a club, a stick or any other means in order to score. One can only imagine the injuries the players have sustained in an effort to hit the ball but hit another instead. This same game was played in England, but due to the nature of the sport, this was banned by Nicholas de Farndone in 1314 of London. But this ban did not stop soccer from growing in Medieval England. Soccer has become a fitness sport for English boys in boarding schools. It was a sport enjoyed by Aristocrats and Upper-class Englishmen but even though it started that way, it later evolved into a sport for the commoners as well since it is very inexpensive and easy to learn. Soccer then started really growing among public schools, so then the concept of a tournament was born in the 19th century. Since different schools have then, different rules, Cobb Morley formed a semi-professional s occer club in Barnes and called it Barnes Club. He suggested a central body for rules and regulations be put into place. This idea then was put to practice on October 26, 1863 when a few soccer clubs set the base for the future organization, eventually called Football Association, met at the Freemasons’ Tavern in the English Capital. Cobb Morley came up with the rules of the game which set the official rules which would be put in place in every soccer game. He is now considered the father of soccer for his monumental contributions and his idea of the official rules which were put into place. In three decade after Cobb Morley set the official rules, soccer became a widespread sport around Europe, America and even Australia. In the early 20th century, the national teams were being

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Topic selection and sources Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Topic selection and sources - Coursework Example Hate crime is an important topic in criminal justice because it can cause numerous kinds of crimes, since it can lead to different forms of violence and discrimination against target individuals/groups/organizations (Hall, 2005, p.4). The concept to be examined is â€Å"profiling† which is not based in inaccurate and purely negative stereotypes about race, ethnicities, gender, religion, and/or age, but based on â€Å"observable conditions, behaviors, and activities† (Maxfield & Babbie, 2011, p.35). The research can focus on how to avoid discriminatory profiling that is rooted on personal biases or hate against others and how law enforcers should be trained to adapt a scientific approach to profiling. Profiling is an important topic in criminal justice because it can be used to help catch criminals or to prevent crimes. However, profiling guidelines and boundaries are essential to its proper theorization and practice. The research can focus on the concept of â€Å"juvenile delinquency recidivism,† particularly understanding how imprisoning juveniles, even violent ones, in adult prison systems, can worsen their behaviors and increase recidivism. Labeling theory can partially explain why labeling juveniles as criminals can socially stigmatize them enough to accept the labels as their permanent identities (Gaines & Miller, 2013, p.530). It is interesting to study how the justice system contributes to recidivism based on how it handles juvenile delinquents. In addition, â€Å"juvenile delinquency recidivism† is an important topic in criminal justice because juveniles can turn to lifetime criminals. It is crucial to use the right intervention programs to stop the further development of juveniles to adult criminals. â€Å"White-collar crime† should be clearly defined as a research concept and legal term because its definition affects the identification of white-collar criminals. The research can focus on how white-collar crime is defined

Journal 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Journal 5 - Essay Example This is because in a direct communication there is undisrupted flow of information, relaying of critical opinions, and knowledge besides experiences. This helps to solve individual or group’s questions, misunderstandings besides other issues that come up in the work place. Besides, it enables the workers to achieve many benefits including one’s wellbeing in his or her working place (Holley, Jenning & Wolters, 2012). The manager in charge of the employee and labour relations in any organization has key responsibilities such as settling workers difficulties and conflicts before worsening to affect the company. Conflicts between employees can be as result of discriminations, violence in the working place and sexual harassments among other vices that hinder the growth or development of the organization (The Ohio State University, 2013). The manager should as well be able to take the corrective actions in which they should identify their employees undeserving manners besides correcting them. In conclusion, respectable employee and labour relations are important aspects for the development of an organization. It helps in averting and solving difficulties concerning the employees that affect the respective organization negatively. Additionally, the employees grow professionally hence affecting the organization’s output or productivity leading to its fast development (Pace University 2011). The employee relations manager has the responsibility to assist and guide the entire staff according to their difficulties to ensure smooth prosperity of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Questionnaire Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Questionnaire - Research Proposal Example Complimentary meals VII. Special price promotions VIII. Extending special privileges to immediate family members IX. Any other please specify ___________________________________________ 7. How are the loyalty programmes designed for the corporate segment Flat rate Linked to volume Rewards on accumulated points Any other, please specify ______________________________________ 9. Which features in your opinion, attract maximum guests and justify the hotel's expenses in making such an offer 10. What is the objective of your loyalty programme I. Decrease price sensitivity (Is there an effort on part of your hotel to persuade customers to try new offers, pay premium prices, and/or use the hotel for increasingly diverse services so that they resist cheaper offers by competing hotels) II. Serve as a defensive measure to cope with competition (since other hotels offer such programmes, your hotel needs to offer too) III. Increase patronage and attract new customers (encourage word of mouth support and endorsement) IV. Ensure repeat usage V. Any other, please specify_______________________________ 11. How do you manage your loyalty programmes I. Use of CRM (Customer relationship management) (any specific software)_______________ II. III. Feedback forms IV. V. In house software which is used for bookings and managing guest stay VI. VII. Any other, please specify_______________________________ VIII. 12. How do you identify a loyal customer in the retail segment-when he arrives at your hotel- so that he is serviced accordingly (What is the delivery mechanism) I. With a loyalty card II. Internal records 13. In which way, if at all, do you involve your employees in the loyalty programmes especially staff from housekeeping and F&B, who may interact... 20. In your opinion are loyalty programmes essential for loyal customers to exist If yes why, if no why not (especially in light of the argument that that excellent service and satisfaction among guests is considered by many researchers as enough to maintain loyalty)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Trouble Brews at Starbucks Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Trouble Brews at Starbucks - Case Study Example However, in 2007, trouble began when the company performance began to decline. It reported a reduction in the number of customer visits in the United States leading to a 50 percent drop in share price (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor 45). In two quarters growth remained flat and declined in the fourth quarter. This led to rehiring of Howard Schultz, who was viewed as a visionary leader. This was done on the purpose of restoring Starbuck’s premier brand. To this end, this paper analyzes this company to understand how it can regain its earlier status. In the industry, the level of competition is very high. Some of the major competitors for this company include the Tully’s coffee, Caribou Coffee and Gloria Jean’s. Although, there are a high number of competitors, the industry is dominated by the mentioned competitors. In Starbucks case, there are new entries and other firms in the market. The company’s new competitor is McDonalds’ â€Å"McCafe†. Competitors are likely to enter this industry because the startup cost is low. McDonald has the ability to create its distinct product that will help it tap in the coffee market. A store that can successfully enter the market has the potential to make profits. Fortunately, the company’s location limits new entrants. Also, the existence of differentiated brands enables the company to increase the switching costs for customers. For Starbuck, the sheer scale has helped reduce the buyers bargaining power (Romney n.pag.). There is no single group that influences the purchase of the company’s products in large quantities. Also, there are different options as a result of a high number of competitors. In addition, the products that can substitute coffee are in of a variety. This threat is high for the company. The purchase of bottled coffee is seen as inexpensive rather than opting for the company’s mug coffee. There are also products that can be used instead of coffee. They

Monday, July 22, 2019

Two Reading Journals Essay Example for Free

Two Reading Journals Essay â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† by Flannery O’Connor is a story which utilizes caricatures of people to reveal some aspects of character that all readers can identify with.   While the characters on the literal level seem too unreasonably stereotyped to be real, some of their behaviors and responses are actually very similar to those of all humanity.   For example, the Grandmother begins as the quintessential nagging, hyper-critical, self-absorbed old woman that everyone prefers to ignore. However, her constant spouting of religious maxims and her ability to use her holier-than-thou attitude for guilt purposes is a trait that many readers recognize in their own family members or even themselves, perhaps as the oppressed son, even.    After the initial encounter with the Misfit, these stereotypical demeanors fade away, and the real personality of the characters can come through.    This is similar to the concept that people’s true selves come through in times of great trial or emergency.   The bratty children clam up in fear, and the grandmother begins to treat the Misfit with an almost caring respect, which he doesn’t buy, of course.   Her ultimate attempt to â€Å"save† the Misfit from sin fails, just as her attempt to win loyalty from her son by guilting him into doing her bidding fails.   However, she is forced into thinking about someone else, in this case the Misfit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?† by Joyce Carol Oates tells the story of a tough talking teen girl who is constantly concerned with the appearance she projects to the outside world.   Her tough exterior is extremely believable, as many teens suffer from this underlying lack of confidence. However, her pursuit by the psychotic Arnold Friend forces her t realize that not everyone will fall for the tough and cool exterior. Arnold’s friendly exterior keeps her off guard just long enough for him to draw her in.  Ã‚   He knows that deep inside she is scared and eager to please; this is how he wins her ultimate and fatal compliance.   He had forced her to realize that she was not the tough chick she wanted to be, and she notes that she just felt empty.   The shell was cracked, and there was nothing inside.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Both of these stories contrast the exterior of a person with his or her interior.   In the face of a perilous situation, both the Grandmother and Connie realize they cannot fall back on their usual game.   Both, then allow themselves to be victimized in the absence of any other choices.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

New Approaches Of Human Resource Management Business Essay

New Approaches Of Human Resource Management Business Essay Human resource Management is the backbone of organisations growth in this changing business world. Organisations are having are a large budget and a separate development for HRM due to the internationalisation and globalisation phenomen. The importance of HR in the UK has increased during the past years, which has led organisations to review their policy on handling human resource which in some case is the core competence of the organisation. The term HRM and HR have largely replaced the term personnel management in managing people in the organization. Historical development of HRM. HRM has developed over time from mere administrative role to modern role of strategic development. Strategic HRM has gained both credibility and popularity over the past decade, employee are considered as part of the overall strategy Personnel Management Human Resource Mgt. Nature of relations Focus individualistic Contractual basis Focus unitarist -vision and mission -Employees as partners in the org. Relation of power and Mgt. Centralized Top management full authority Decentralized -Power shared between top, middle and lower mgt. -TQM approach -Bottom up approach Leadership and Mgt Role Transactional Task oriented focus on procedures punishment for non compliance Transformational people oriented -focus on shared vision. Corporate culture and vision, trust and flexibility. Pay policies and Job design Based on skills and knowledge -ability to perform the job as per contract -Division of labor no value added -Job design functional based Designed to encourage continuous job performance and improvement -linked to value added -Job design teamwork and cyclical based. -Job Rotation Tesco which operates in a fiercely competitive sector has been successful by using a human resource led business strategy. Although the analysis above show more coordination between employees and employers, the fact is the working environment is more competitive for both parties. On one hand theres organisation like Tesco who is investing a huge budget for the HRM whereby the cost will be recovered through there sales that is being paid by the general public. On the otherhand employees which are with less job security dont have much choice other than to show there commitment and as well having transferable skills with the changing employment market. Human resource practitioner. HR people are the strategic database of organizations. Source ( HR Practitioners acts as the bridge of communication flow between Mangement and employees. Sometimes heavily involved in the operational role, handling grievances and discipline while new demands are made from them. It is quite difficult to measure the effectiveness of the HR as it is so complex. The HR Practitioners should be able to: Add Value demonstrate their impact on the business Recruitment and retention Aware of labor market, recruitment source and key talent retention. Succession planning- Clear workforce development plan Turnover, change to business (technological or legal) Motivation and Engagement Demonstrate that people make a difference (Employee motivation and engagement). Employer of choice To engage the best talent and keep these people engaged. Source ( Mr Vedula Notes ) Line managers in HR practices. Line managers are responsible for group of employee normally in the lower layers of management hierarchy and these employee do not themselves have any managerial or supervisory responsibility. Line Managers Responsibility People management Managing operational costs Providing technical expertise Work allocation and Rota Monitoring and checking quality Dealing with customers/clients Measuring operational performance -performance appraisal Line managers Role In organization like Tesco they a play a vital role in terms of implementing and enacting HR policies and practices. The checkout line managers would be in better position to convince their staff for any overtime or bank holiday shift. As employees feels more positive about the relationship with their line managers. So they are more likely to have higher levels of job satisfaction, commitment and loyalty associated with better performance and discretionary behaviors. Line managers also help in structuring people actual experience of doing a job. They play a crucial role in acting upon the advice or guidance from HR ( Implentation of new legislation selling alcohol to under ages customers). Line managers control the work flow by directing and guiding the work of others. They also have to report to HR about any changes about the number of employees they need or any leavers to fill the gap for. So they always have to work in collaboration with HR. A well managed line managers are more likely to go on to lead high performing teams, therefore the support of senior management and action on the continuous development of line managers are critical. Recruitment and Selection. Recruitment is the process of Attracting, viewing and selecting competent people for a job at an organization. Source ( HR planning and stages involved in the process. Human Resource Planning is the process of analyzing an organizations likely future needs for people in terms of numbers, skills and locations. They uses the right recruitment and training techniques to satisfy these needs. It ensures the firm has right number of people, in the right place, with the right skills at the right time. Tesco need for recruitment arises when there is new outlet opening in the UK and international expansion. There is also leavers , resigners or those who retires to be replaced. Any change in strategy, process and technology might rise to the need of more staff. In Tesco the latest one was the introduction of IT sales assistant in the shop and the self service checkout. Tesco uses a workforce planning table to establish the likely demand for new staff which are quarterly reviewed. Tesco can adjust staffing levels and Recruit accordingly to meet its strategic objectives, for example, to open new stores and maintain customer service standards. A Job description sets out Job title Job holders responsibility To whom the job holder is responsible Asimple description of roles and responsibilities. A Person specification sets out the skills, characteristics and attributes that a person needs to do a particular job. These two tools combine to make the basis for job advertisement. They help job applicants and post-holders to know what is expected of them. They should: Information to attract suitable people Checking device to select applicants with the right skills for interview Targets and standards for job performance. Process for recruitment in two organizations. Tesco internal recruitment The process looks at its internal Talent Plan, internal mgt development programme and options which lists current employees looking for a move, either at the same level or on promotion. In case none of them match their requirement Tesco advertises the post internally on its intranet for two weeks. Tesco external recruitment Tesco advertises vacancies via their website or through vacancy boards in stores. Applications are made online for managerial positions. The chosen applicants have an interview followed by attendance at an assessment centre for the final stage of the selection process. People interested in store-based jobs with Tesco can approach stores with their CV or register though Jobcentre Plus. The store prepares awaiting list of people applying in this way and calls them in as jobs become available. . Tesco will seek the most cost-effective way of attracting the right applicants. It is expensive to advertise on television and radio, and in some magazines, but sometimes this is necessary to ensure the right type of people get to learn about the vacancies. IKEA Recruitment Process Ikea developed global recruitment process, offering higher quality at lower cost by using modern technology. Ikea arrange open days for its future workers where they can chat with existing employees. Ikea recruitment strategy focuses on variety and ethics rather than pervious experience which has keep their turnover very low. Innergy (Agency) helps Ikea managing their recruitment process. BrassRing had been chosen by Ikea as its Global e recruitment platform and was implemented by ARINSO International. The recruitment process was highly manual and non consistent before. This project would allow Ikea to restructure its recruitment processes. Interview technique and selection methods. Interview technique is designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicants oral responses to oral inquiries. Advantages Highlight communication skills , verbal and social skills Can assess knowledge Compatibility between the applicant and the employees Applicant asked question might help for selection decision .( Pay , Perk or Future studies) Flexible to gather more info. Disadvantages subjective evaluations are made decisions made on the first impression interviewers form stereotypes concerning the characteristics required for success on the job not as reliable as test Interviewers may be biased to candidate they like Interviewers may use multiple, leading ,embarrassing and provocative questions Interviewers may talk more than listening Interview technique has low reliability and low viability. Selection methods Psychometric Testing- good record and liability. Ability Test Focus on mental abilities and physical testing Inventories Self report questionnaires interests, aptitudes and preferences E-assessment Testing anytime and anywhere Loss of control over administration of test Assessment centers Provide fuller picture combining a range of technique Selection practices and procedures in two organisations. Selection involves choosing the most suitable people from those that apply for a vacancy, whilst keeping to employment laws and regulations. Screening candidates is vital within the selection process ens8uring the best candidate fit the gap. Line managers for the job often take part in the interview to make sure that the candidate fits the job requirements. Tesco selection external management stages IKEA recruits people based on fact they will be suitable on the culture. As stated above the selection process is mostly carried out by agency but within IKEA there are development methods which include training, coaching and performance management. As such creating a source of internal recruitment as Tesco has, but the process of external recruitment is carried out by the agencies mostly Procedures for monitoring and rewarding the employee. Employers have always monitored their staff in one way or another because they have always needed to be able to check the quality and quantity of their employees work. Helping to identify the need for training, refresher courses or appraisal. Job evaluation and factors determining pay.. A method of determining on a systematic basis the relative importance of a number of different jobs used when: Determining pay and grading structures Ensuring a fair and equal pay system Ranking. Jobs are compared to each other based on the overall worth of the job to the organization. Advantages Simple. Very effective for few jobs Disadvantages Difficult to administer -jobs increases. Rank judgments are subjective. Process to be repeated for each new job to be filled. Classification Jobs are classified into an existing grade/category structure or hierarchy Advantages Simple. The grade/category structure exists independent of the jobs. Classification easier than the Ranking Method. Disadvantages Classification judgments are subjective. The standard used for comparison biases Some jobs may appear to fit within more than one grade/category Factor Comparison A set of compensable factors are identified as determining the worth of jobs: Skill Responsibilities Effort Working Conditions Advantages The value of job- monetary terms. Applied to a wide range of jobs. Applied to newly created jobs. Disadvantages Judgments are subjective. The standard used for determining the pay for each factor may have build in biases The point method Each factor is then divided into levels or degrees which are then assigned points. The points for each factor are summed to form a total point score for the job. Jobs are then grouped by total point score and assigned to wage/salary grades Advantages The value of job monetary terms. Applied to a wide range of jobs. Applied to newly created jobs. Disadvantages Judgments are subjective. The standard used for determining the pay for each factor may have built-in biases Reward system. Rewards can be categorized in the above matrix. As well as competitive salaries at all levels, in every area of the business, Tesco also offer a whole package of other ways to help you make more of your money, safeguard your future and look after your health. Motivational theory and reward. National Business Awards, the company just chosen as Employer of the Year was Tesco. In their citation the judges said that Tesco was voted Employer of the Year because its solutions were seen to be more holistic, Tesco have invested  £12m this year alone in training schemes Tescos Employee Reward Program has some similarity to Taylors theory. Its financial reward packages are a motivating factor. At Tesco the Mayo theory is seen to be operating throughout the company. Communication is an extremely important factor in motivating employees. In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation Abraham Maslow argued that humans are motivated by five essential needs Tesco promote new and more open lines of communication between managers and staff Directors and senior managers spend a week on the shop floor listening to ideas and suggestions from customers and staff; A talent spotting scheme to fast-track shop-floor workers up the promotional ladder A better understanding of individual employee circumstances. The result of all these initiatives is that Tesco is continuing to show record sales growth and profits .Employees highly trained are demonstrating commitment to the organisation and feels valued within the overall strategy. This if felt by customer with a higher level of service which gives organisation added value and prestige. Organizations approaches to monitoring performance. Tescos purpose is to serve its customers. Tescos organizational structure has the customer at the top. Tesco needs people with the right skills at each level of this structure. There are six work levels within the organization. Each level requires particular skills and behaviors. Work level 1 frontline jobs ability to work accurately and with enthusiasm and to interact well with others. Work level 2 Team leaders the ability to manage resources, to set targets, to manage and motivate others. Work level 3 running an operating unit management skills, including planning, target setting and reporting. Work level 4 supporting operating units and recommending strategic change. Business knowledge, analytical skills and to make decisions, and the ability to lead others. Work level 5 responsible for the performance of Tesco as a whole. ability to lead and direct others, and to make major decisions. Work level 6 creating the purpose, values and goals for Tesco plc. a good overview of retailing, and the ability to build a vision for the future and lead the whole organization. Rights and procedure on exit from an organisation. Evaluation of exit procedures and compare to best practice. When skills are relatively scarce, recruitment is costly and it takes several weeks to fill a gap the level of turnover is likely to be problematic for the org. The operation of an Exit Procedure is extremely important as it helps the company To identify and correct hidden organizational and management problems It enables the organisation to comply with its legal duty to monitor the reasons why people is leaving It helps to ensure the return of Company property It enables a proper handover of work and administrative matters to take place to examine the reasons why people are leaving to identify whether any improvements in employment practice could be made UW-EXTENSION ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY UW-EXTENSION EXIT POLICY AND PROCEDURES Resignation: If an employee decides to leave employment with Extension, the employee is responsible for providing adequate written notice The employee will receive written confirmation of the resignation from the hiring Exit Questionnaire: All separating employees shall complete an Exit Questionnaire,available from the supervisor or divisional personnel representative, and bring thecompleted questionnaire to the exit interview Exit Interviews: Prior to the last day worked, an exiting employee will have an exit interview. theemployee and supervisor are encouraged to discuss any matters of interest.Information collected during the Exit Interview Process shall be confidential and will notbe used in any way to reflect upon the exiting employee Exit interview data shall be compiled, summarized, and reported to the ExecutiveCommittee on a quarterly basis Other Out-Processing Procedures Matters to be reviewed or collected at this time are: Keys and key cards. Computer access authorization codes. Telephone cards or ID cards. Corporate credit cards. Forwarding address. Identification cards/badges. Return Employee Handbook. Arrange last paycheck and vacation pay.* Insurance conversion and benefits continuation rights.* Tesco exit procedures is not so complex as UW as the nature of the workforce they have is different. They have staffs on temporary contract, part timers and on flexible hours. They do conduct a view point every six months to monitor the workforce concern and appreciation and there is a clause of intended stay with Tesco. Their every little helps slogan is part of the ethos and culture in Tesco. In the SBUS exit interviews are commonly performed in person with the departing employee. More often talking with the departing employee to more completely explore and understand his or her views during the exit interview. Criteria for redundancy selection The selection criteria used by the employer must be carefully and exactly defined so that they can be fairly and consistently applied to each employee. The criteria must also be agreed by the employees representatives Redundancy selection criteria. It must be objective, non-discriminatory and applied consistently. A pool of employees, all or some of whom will eventually be made redundant. Selection criteria for redundancy may be: Skills, qualifications and aptitude these can help keep a balanced workforce. Standard of work performance with this method, you need to provide supporting objective evidence, for example from the business appraisal system. Adaptability it may be important for your business that employees accept different types of work as needs change. Attendance/disciplinary record you must apply this method consistently, and be sure your records are accurate and that you understand the reasons for absences. Length of service -last in, first out, The following criteria are considered unfair and can give rise to claims under Unfair Dismissal or the relevant discrimination laws: trade union reasons carrying out duties relating to redundancy, as an elected representative of the employees maternity grounds sex, race or disability grounds Conclusion. Tesco has been very successful over the past years by a fully intergrated HR department and as such demonstrated a model implementation of HR. The big picture of Tesco strategy is discussed with all employees thus clarifying their role and importance in the organization. The HR department in Tesco is proactive which has allowed the organization to focus on Human resource with such practices with training issues. They perform their task with the Tesco Steering Wheel Strategy and practicing a total quality approach throughout the organization.

Nigerian Towards Foreign And Local Clothing Marketing Essay

Nigerian Towards Foreign And Local Clothing Marketing Essay CHAPTER FOUR CASE ANALYSIS 4.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter will give and comprehensively analyse the project report title The Nigerian consumer attitudes towards foreign and locally made clothing. The relevant marketing framework which was discussed in chapter 3, with regards to the secondary data will be used. This includes reports, book, journals and articles written by experts. However, this secondary data will be used to accomplish the research objectives. The secondary sources which was used in chapter 3 consist of what experts has said about consumer behaviour, motivation, attitudes and the different aspects of   their behaviour when purchasing products, in terms of their country of origin , and how it result into buying behaviour.   Furthermore, we are going to look at the current situation of the Nigeria perception toward country of origin products and how it influence country of origin measurement. The second aspect of this chapter will be dealing with the research instrument as questionnaire and primary research which will be to find out, if consumers have preference for foreign made clothes when compare to locally made once. Thus, the methodology will indicate the research objectives of the project and it also going to clarify data collection process, research hypothesis, respondent sampling and the limitation of the study. The recover data will be examine using the statistical software SPSS followed by a thorough discussion of the findings. 4.2 NIGERIA PERCEPTION TOWARDS COUNTRY OF ORIGIN CLOTHING PRODUCTS   Due to recent studies which have been carried out, Nigeria consumer   knowledge as been observed to have changes, consumer now prefer to purchase foreign made clothes rather than   Nigerian locally made once this is as a result of the way country of origin different products have being manufactured. Furthermore, it was also to be clarified whether customer also prefer some certain product due to the states of the economic development of a country. For examples in the Nigeria at present, consumer dont really patronize the locally made clothes only during local events such as marriages and traditional ceremonies. However, the foreign made products are always highly valued by Nigerian consumers due to exotic fashion trends always derived from the products. According to Knight (1999) explain that in his writing that Nigerian consumer judge foreign products with high estimation due to the facts that they are products manufacture in other countries and he also went further to clarify that country of origin stage of industrial increase, the price of manufactured products and perceived the quality are numbers of reason for different consumer choice to choose between local and foreign products. Toyne (1989) also went further to explain in detail that due to certain products in developed countries, foreign consumer trends are preferred to those kind of products due to their level of advancement  Ã‚   of technology and   It has been originate that consumers in less developed countries assess locally made goods as inferior Al-Salacity (1998).   Due to different research that has been carried out relating to country of origin, it is however been analyzed that these studies has a universal nature. According to leonidou et al (1999) also clarified that there have been some related studies different carried out in some specific advance countries to assess country of origin effect on consumer evaluation of goods from diverse countries and computation patterns. It was also clarified by Han (1989) that consumer use country of origin information to evaluate products. 4.3 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN MEASUREMENT This has been analyzed as the measuring of different countries products in other for consumer to know the growth and development of various countries products. Furthermore, in other for country of origin measurement is establish   and   there are three main approaches which will be evaluated and they consist of single cue studies, multi cue studies and conjoint(trade off) analysis . 4.3.1 SINGLE CUE STUDIES According to   Bilkey Nes (1982) stated that most studies carried out are directed towards consumer being able to make analysis of the products based on merely country name. The author also went further in criticising single cue studies by clarifying that since they were bound to result in a significant origin effect on buying behaviour that might or not exist in the world. Thus, it  Ã‚   observes that single cue studies afford no insights as to how the consumers combine country of origin information with other information such as brand name. Majority of the Nigeria consumer use this single cue to evaluate products especially to check different country of origin designer brands before making purchase. From research show by Kaynak et al (2002) recently analyses that respondents evaluate product based on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Examples are taste, price, service, design, durability and brand name. Majority of consumer have used single cue studies to analyze products evaluation, especially when they have small information about the brands in other to find out more information. 4.3.2 MULTI-CUE STUDIES According to Ahmed et al (2002) established the fact that due to recent multi cue studies, this study now comprise of different intrinsic and extrinsic information cue other than the country of origin   cue in moderating the country of origin effect. Bilkey Nes (1982) also went further to establish the fact that showed either no significant or only minor effects due to country image. Test which was carried out on using multi cue setting   Ã‚  to test multi products indicated that country of origin is very necessary when evaluating product quality respective of the prices Wall et al (1991). 4.3.3 CONJOINT (TRADE OFF) ANALYSES Since 1970 conjoint (trade off) analysis has been established and it can be define as   the representation   to understand the algebra of a concept or, more specifically how the components of a concept interacted to drive a rating such as to purchase intent (Johnson 1974 cited in Howard et al 2005). The initial application of conjoint analysis used off trade and off trade makes sense when viewed against the background. Examples colour, time factors, availability, and speed of reaction and together with additional factor that may be use to add value augmented part of the products.     Additionally, it has been clarified that conjoint analysis take this principles and applies it in situation where there are more than one set of product choices. There will also be wider ranges of choice in prices than just high or low (Lan 2006: p. 187). 4.4 METHODOLOGY 4.4.1RESEARCH HYPOTHESES. H0: Nigeria consumer purchase foreign made clothes due to status perceptions. H1: Nigeria consumers do not purchase foreign made clothes due to status perceptions. H0: For Nigerian consumers, checking the country of origin is dependent on what prompts their purchase of clothes H2: For Nigerian consumers, checking the country of origin is not dependent on what prompts their purchase of clothes 4.4.2 RESEARCH APPROACHES The research use for this project is called deductive research; the reason for this was that the research project encompasses consumer behaviour attitudes and hypotheses which will be experimented to discover if both results will be both identical or not. The deductive research helps the researcher to experiment the hypotheses in different stages in other to get the actual result of the hypotheses. Examples the Nigerian preference for foreign clothes as well as consumer behaviour. According to Len (2007) justify that deductive begin with theory from which we may derive hypotheses. Which are than tested through observation. Furthermore, it was also clarify that the research is descriptive as it establish the fundamental relationship between variables (mark et al 2000). 4.4.3 RESPONDENT SAMPLING A sample can be defined as a representative of the population which is carefully chosen to represent the whole population (Fink1995). The method of sample use for this survey was judgmental sampling which Mcdaniel (2004) defined as a form of convenient sampling in which the population elements are selected based on the judgment of the researcher. This was because it was convenient for the researcher to find respondents based on the judgment of where to find a large size of Nigerian male user of foreign and locally made clothing of various ages segment and who were willing to fill the questionnaire. The respondents sample size for this project was 150 and the target group was between the ages of 18-51 years Nigerian males this is because when a large sample size increases, each unit of information is obtained at greater cost (Mcdaniel2004). There are two types of sampling techniques that can be utilize in sampling methods and they includes, probability sampling and non- probability sampling. Probability sampling can be analysis as a chance or probability of each case being selected from the population is known and is usually equal for all cases. Non-probability samples are other than quota sampling is more frequently used for the case study research (Mark et al 2000:p. 152). 4. 5 DATA COLLECTION METHOD 4.5.1 PRIMARY DATA PROCESS The primary data use for this research work was questionnaires this was to enable the researcher gain a standardized insight of country of origin preference, consumer attitude and different question were develop in other to understand consumer preference. Furthermore, this questionnaire comprises of 25question in three different areas. The first section encompasses demographical data which give an insight of respondents background, the second aspect was dealing with purchase preferences between foreign and locally made clothes and the third part was dealing with the consumer attitude towards various country of origin. Thus, the questionnaire are rated in different format the rating scale question are involves were by consumer are able to rate their different choice of brand preference, ranking was also used in the questionnaire to find out their order of important when buying clothes and finally multiple question was also giving with only one box to tick. The total numbers of questionnaire administered were   150 and its was distributed to only   Nigeria males in united kingdom to enable the researcher understand their preference for foreign and locally made clothes and it has been analysis that united kingdom has a large population of males that was while this research is specifying only Nigerian males 4.5.2 DISTRIBUTION PROCESS As stated above the questionnaire were 150 and they are administer in different location of United Kingdom, some of this questionnaire where giving to respondent in London a populate place called Peckham which most Nigerian population reside. Furthermore some of the questionnaires were distributed  Ã‚   to Nigerian male in Birmingham University; some were also distributed to Nigerians in Leicester and redeemed Christian church of God. Finally some of the questionnaires were also distributed through email to the Nigeria male consumer in United Kingdom. Furthermore, questionnaire were distributed to 7 respondents for pilot testing but majority of the respondents had problems in filling out the questionnaire because there were some errors   , examples includes question 6 were not stated how much they earn per annum   and also question 9 did not   give respondents the opportunity to choose their preference. Furthermore, the section two there were no rating scale question to enable respondents rate their order of preference and grammatical errors was also found. After taking the piloted questionnaire from respondent more question were integrated   Ã‚  to explore different country of origin and some were removed.   4.5.3 SECONDARY DATA Secondary data was unitizes in this project this was to enable the researcher gain an understanding about what the project is about and also to construct a strong basis which was used for the research work. According to Lewis   et al (2007) explain secondary data as resources which are easily accessible by researcher in other to understand what the topic and also obtain vital information that will be used during the course of their research work. Examples of this secondary data includes marketing report, database, scholars reviewed, articles and consumer behaviour text books were used to get an insight about consumer attitudes and different country of origin. McGivern(2006) also specified that secondary data sources analyses the formulation   of the hypotheses   and the interpretation of primary data. 4.5.4 SAMPLING STRATEGY The sampling strategy used for this research work is non-probability the reason was that it provide a range of alternative techniques based on your subjective judgement. Thus, according  Ã‚   Mark et al (2000) clarified that it provide sensible alternative to select cases to answer research questions and address the question. In pilot survey, non- probability samples may be the most practical, although it will not allow the extent of the problem to be determined. 4.5.5 RESEARCH LIMITATIONS The main limitation of this research where gathering data from only Nigeria male it was not easy due to the fact that majority of the student   were on vacation and some of them are   busy with their jobs. Another limitation of this study was the issues of travelling to London and Birmingham on different occasion to distribute the questionnaires on getting there, some of the respondents were so busy that they could not fill the questionnaires. It was also observed that some of the Nigerian respondents at London felt reluctant in filling the questionnaires due to the reason being that there were not educated. Furthermore, most of the questionnaires distributed online were not filled out by the target respondents and this gave limited information gathering. Nevertheless, information gathered seems to be biased, because some of the questions were not structured well to get good answers. Conclusively, Information gathered may be prone to inaccuracy, due to lack of access to some of the respondents at the Redeemed Christian church of God. REFERENCE Al-Sulaiti, K. I. and Baker, M. J. (1998) Country of Origin Effects: A Literature Review: Marketing Intelligence & Planning 16. Bilkey, W. and Nes, E. (1982) Country of Origin Effects on Product Evaluations: Journal of International Business Studies 13. Fink, A. (1995) The Survey Handbook, 1st Edition: California, Saga Publication Inc. Howard .R. Moskowitz, Matthias Sicher, Sebastiano Porretta (2005) Concept Research In Food Product Design and Development: First Edition, United States: Wiley, John Sons Han, C. Min (1989), Country Image: Halo or Summary Construct? Journal of Marketing Research 29-222. Knight, G. A. (1999) Consumer Preferences Foreign and Domestic Products, Journal of Marketing Vol 16,(2)151-162 Kaynak, E. and Kara, A. (2002) Consumer Perceptions of Foreign Products: An Analysis of Product-Country Images and Ethnocentrism, European Journal of Marketing 36. Lewis .P., Thornhill. A.   and Saunders .M. (2009) Research Methods for Business Student, Fourth Edition: Harlow, Financial Time Prentice Hall.   Lan Ruskin-Brown(2006) Mastering Marketing: A Comprehensive Introduction to the Skill of   Developing and Defending your Companys Revenue, Second Edition: Thorogood, United States. Len Sandler (2007) Becoming an Extraordinary Manager: The Five Essential for Success, First Edition, United States. Mcdaniel .C. Roger.G.(2004) Marketing Research Essentials, Fourth Edition: United Stated, John Wiley and Sons,Inc. Mcgivern, Y. (2006) The Practice of Market and Social Research: An Introduction. 2nd edn. Harlow: Prentice Hall Mark .S., Philip. L. and Adrian Thornhill(2000) Research Methods For Business Students, Second Edition: United Kingdom, Pearson Education Limited. Toyne, B. and Walters, P. G. P. (1989) Global Marketing Management: A Strategic Perspective. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Homework "The amount of homework is and has been just ridiculous, my child can't have a real life," one parent complained in a school district survey. "There have been nights where we have been up until 12 or 1am because my child is still working on some school assignment." Homework is stressful and has no positive outcomes: it never raises your grade, it has little educational worth, and it ties up teachers’ time is marking it down taking time away from more effective lessons. Homework should not be allowed in schools being that it is pointless, stresses students and has little educational value. Many students in the United States believe that homework is a waste of their time and does not positively affect their test grades. They also feel that homework is tiring and a complete waste of their time. They constantly find themselves coming home after a long day of school, only to remember that school hasn’t necessarily left them. Homework ends up being done in a hurry, by students fighting fatigue, and poor quality work is produced. Worse still, students who have been up late trying to finish off their homework, then come tired into school the next day, and therefore are less ready to learn. Setting homework does little to develop good study skills. It is hard to check whether the homework students produce is really their own. Some students have always copied off others or got their parents to help them. But today there is so much material available on the internet that teachers can never be sure. It would be better to have a mixture of activities in the classroom which help students to develop a whole range of skills, including independent learning. Homework produces a large amount of pointless ... ...dents almost never want to do homework, so they end up doing it the next day, the period before the assignment is due, by either copying off one of their classmates or getting answers online. Students actually prefer to do homework with a buddy or partner so they can at least have a little fun with it. But by no means does homework teach students to become more independent. Homework has been a large controversy over the past few years in many school districts throughout the United States. Many schools support homework, while some schools don’t assign homework to their students. Yet studies show that homework or not, the test scores are generally equal. And sometimes, homework can bring down a student's standardized testing grades. Homework assignments are pointless work that brings stress, anxiety and no room for social life and family time among the student body.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The wars affect on civilization :: essays research papers

This paper is about stuff i know little about. I'm eally just riting this so i can get some stuff for myself. I plan on making contributions to this site at a later time. As for now, I will just type this so as to gain access to the site. As you hav noticed I put one space after each end of sentence period, although most common typing books tell you to use two. That is a bunch of hooey. Well I don't know how many words I have but I need my report stat cuz it's due tomorrow. So, with no further ado, I end my fake essay by saying, goodbye. What is wrong with this paper? Didn't I put enough words in it? It seems like culture and society are words I can use to make my registration complete. It may be that it is too short. Or I might not be using words like exploration or journalism. Some other things it could be are they know this entire report is not real. So therefore, two out of three is not bad. Therefore I will make this long as possible. Apparently you are not truly married. Whoa! I say. This paper has to be 250 words or more. I don't understand it. This is the third time I tried sending it and to my surprise it's not long enough. What more can I do? It's tough writing essays like this man.The communications links of the Internet are also owned and maintained in the same anarchic fashion as the hosts. Each owner of an Internet host is responsible for finding and paying for a communications link that will get that host tied in with at least one other host. Communications links may be as simple as a phone line, a wireless data link such as cellular digital packet data, or as complicated as a high speed fiber optic link. As long as the communications link can use TCP/IP or UUCP, it can fit into the Internet. Thus the net grows with no overall coordination. A new owner of an Internet host need only get permission to tie into one communications link to one other host. Alternatively, if the provider of the communications link decides this host is, for example, a haven for spammers, it can cut this â€Å"rogue site† off of the Internet. The rogue site then must snooker some other communications link into tying it into the Internet again.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Constructing Fantasy in Hitchcocks Vertigo Essay -- Alfred Hitchcock

Constructing Fantasy in Hitchcock's Vertigo The amount of critical analysis surrounding Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo is itself dizzying, but as the film has recently been restored, it seems appropriate to provide it with a fresh critical reading. The purpose of this paper then, is to draw this film out of the past with a reading that offers not only a new way of understanding it, but a close look at the culture that produced it. Specifically, Vertigo offers its most exciting ideas when contextualized in a culture of consumerism. Consumerism shaped the film, and also shapes the way we view it. The desire of the consumer is the driving force behind not only our economy, but our mode of seeing the world, and seeing films. As consumers, we are always looking for, and looking at, new commodities, especially clothing. We gaze at clothing in shop windows. We purchase it and wear it, making it visible to others. Indeed, the desire to buy clothing is linked closely to our desire to show it off. We shop in a visual economy, a visual culture of consumption. To understand this culture it is important to understand the historical figure of the flà ¢neur. The flà ¢neur is a wandering male consumer of images who is, and was, particularly in the nineteenth century, the visual and economic agent at the center of consumer culture. He is also at the center of Vertigo, personified in the main character, Scotty. The flà ¢neur is an inveterate urban wanderer and voyeur who is at home in the public spaces. In the words of Baudelaire, "for the perfect flà ¢neur, for the passionate spectator, it is an immense joy to set up house in the heart of the multitude, amid the ebb and flow of movement" (qtd. in Brand 5). Walter Benjamin, in his work on the... ...lso of women displayed in windows. 3 Sometimes coincidence aids criticism. Kim Novak was, according to Hitchcock, quite proud of the fact that she didn't wear a bra during the filming of Vertigo (Truffaut 248). Works Cited Brand, Dana. The Sectator and the City in Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991. Gleber, Anke. The Art of Taking a Walk: Flanerie, litera ture, and Film in Weimar Culture. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1999. Friedberg, Anne. Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993. Simmons, Patricia. "Women in Frames: The Gaze, the Eye, the Profile in Renaissance Portraiture." The Expanding Discourse. Ed. Norma Broude and Mary Garrard. New York: Harper Collins. 39-57. Steele, Richard. "Spectator No. 454" 1712. The Spectator, A new edition. Cincinnati: Applegate & Co., 1857.

Motivation in the Play Essay

Villains and why they do their villainy is always justified or explained in any literary work. Even those childhood fairy tales with the villain’s formulaic and predictable evil deeds will always do things that have a purpose or will do those things because they were compelled to do it caused by a negative feeling: jealousy, revenge, envy, greed, a childhood without someone to love them or support them, etc. William Shakespeare’s plays are not an exemption to this case as he even creates characters that are capable of not only of evil; they embody evil in their totality as a person—if you may call them that. An example of this would be Iago, touted as the most villainous of all villains in the literary world because of the simple reason that he was guiltless, conscienceless and definitely purposeless in his strategic deeds that destroyed Othello and the people close to the tragic hero. This analysis will focus on this villain and scrutinize his character, villainy and most of all, his purpose (or the lack thereof) on why he did the things he has done that aimlessly ended to other people’s lives. In fact, there is already an answer to this query for Iago is just plain evil, nothing less and definitely more. His motivation lies in the fact that he wants to end other people’s happiness and takes simple delight in causing other people pain and grief which makes him not just a villain but a very mysterious and most terrifying one. In Othello, the Moor of Venice, a man’s capacity to do evil is magnified as Iago is overcome with rage as Othello gives a position to another less qualified man that was originally intended for Iago. Iago takes this in deep and plots against Othello, a Moor in Venice that holds such high position, influential power and great riches. Iago uses jealousy to destroy Othello and the people around him by making it appear that Othello’s loyal wife, Desdemona, is having an affair with another man. In rage, Othello kills his own wife and when he realizes that it was all Iago’s evil plan, he kills himself out of grief and guilt. Iago confesses to no one and does not explain his actions; instead, he keeps mum about what he has done and the purpose in them. Thus, as the play concludes, it is only the audience who are witnesses to Iago’s malice and the extent of his wickedness—but there is a possibility that Iago also leads the audience into believing that they know the entire truth when in fact, he has been dishonest the whole time to everyone—even that of the audience. Iago acts as the villain in the play even if he was not really the one who did the bad deeds. He is the sole villain because he was the master plotter in the whole thing that even innocent people like Roderigo and Emilia were implicated as bad people when they were not wholly that capable of evil. Roderigo and Emilia were simply pawns to his plans and he used them and easily discarded them. In the book of Dobbs & Wells entitled The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare, they sum up the villainy of Iago (and pretty much, the entire play) in a few words: He skilfully convinces Othello that his wife Desdemona has been adulterous with Cassio. He wounds Cassio, murders Roderigo, whom he has involved in his plots, and also kills his own wife Emilia. (211) The extent of Iago’s villainy does not merely end in his acts and plans but in an entirely different context and case because his villainy was unjustified and unexplainable. He did not have a purpose and an aim in ruining Othello’s life and soul. For even if it seems that Iago was motivated by the anger he felt over Othello’s passing over the position that was rightfully his to another man that was very much unqualified (according to Iago that is), it still seems not enough motive. In the first part of the play (act I, scene i), Iago insists that he does hate Othello and does a lengthy monologue on why he hates the Moor. However, it can be later learned that maybe Iago was not really motivated by that trivial act done by Othello since Iago has never really revealed the real reason on why he hates Othello. This is because in the same act, he declares that he will never say what he feels and thinks because it is dangerous and it is laughable: For when my outward action doth demonstrate / The native act and figure of my heart In compliment extern, ’tis not long after / But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws to peck at. I am not what I am. (Shakespeare 1. 1. 63-7) His supposed reason on hating Othello may not be his true reason for the vendetta he so chillingly instills on the Moor because Iago will never disclose his real reasons. Thus, even though Iago was transparent with his feelings and thoughts to the audience and some characters like Roderigo and Emilia, he actually lied to everyone since he could never â€Å"wear his heart† on his sleeve. Moreover, even if the rage he felt over Othello’s actions propelled him to do/plan such things, it was not enough to completely destroy the life of one man and the lives around that man. To think that Iago even killed his own wife with his own hands—without a second thought on doing it or a guilt overcoming afterwards. As what Dobbs & Wells wrote, Iago was a â€Å"motiveless evil† and that lack of motivation in him makes him a superior proponent of evil (211). In conclusion, Iago is most villainous not just because of the things he has done but also because of the lack of motivation in them, the absence of purpose, the incapacity to be guilty over the success of his evil plans and most of all, the mockery he throws to the characters and the audience at the end of the play with his silence. This silence is eerie as it has a purpose—to make everyone shiver at what other havoc and damnation he could have done with that evil mind of his. Works Cited Dobson, Michael and Wells, Stanley. â€Å"Iago†. The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. , 2001. 211. Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Othello, the Moor of Venice†. Ed. Russ McDonald. New York: Penguin Group, 2001. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Decision Making Paper Essay

This paper examines the correlation amongst put up birth(prenominal), make-upal and pagan set. The paper as well discusses how these pass judgments affect the conclusion do in individuals ad hominem and professed(prenominal) lives. cherish is a accessible principal goal or touchst unity held by an individual, class or society. pry atomic number 18 shaped by adjoin situations. Norm ally the three value argon accepted in society such(prenominal) as person-to-person Value, Organizational Value and cultural Value. Personal Values be the principals that define human as an individual.Personal determine, such as honesty, reliability and confidence determine how one ordain demo the world and relate with the great unwashed. It in addition consists of caring, courage, creativity, friendliness, honesty, honour, independence, even out and spirituality. Organizational determine are the principals that watch humans behavior in master copy contexts. They define how person work and how he or she relate to co-workers, managers and clients. They overly reveal persons capableness of advancement. It in addition consists of autonomy, competitiveness, conscientiousness, dedication, ethics, loyalty, professionalism, punctuality and team player.Cultural determine, like practice of the faith and customs, are principals that sustain connections with persons cultural roots. They help person feel machine-accessible to a larger community of people with similar backgrounds. It also consists of celebration of diversity, hea accordingly roots, faith, linguistic ties, national ties, regional ties and tradition. Personal, professional and cultural values are committed to each other. These values are something that affects all area of persons personal and professional lives. In our daily subroutine we interact with these values very a lot especially personal values.Personal values are something which we are gibeing from our childhood. Our parents are the pioneers of these values. They teach us what is discipline and what is wrong. As we grow, we take our own closings precisely our parents get a great influence in our thought service. I believe this is how we learn how to respect our own personal value when we grow as an adult. Next one is professional values. We begin to learn this value as soon as we go far into the world of independence. Each organization has its own set of rules and regulations.We rent to follow those sequence taking care of our own personal values. At workplace the main authorized thing is how we interact with co-workers, managers and clients. How you present yourself with others is also very alpha. Cultural values are something again goes with the personal values. They give richness to the tradition, cultural ethics and your opinion of relating those to the workplace and personal purport. In society sometimes people with kindred backgrounds come unneurotic and form a group and carry on their cultural values.At workplace also sometimes we notice people with same cultural values come together and have better understanding amid them. Finding rest period between personal, organization and cultural values is very crucial. more times in our life we need to fight to take the decision establish on these three values. For example for me as a woman find the right repose between my personal life with family and professional life is very difficult. Family (kids) comes counterbalance while taking either decision for myself even when to decide the right go path and when to start it.For working fetch balance between these values plays an important role while taking any decisions. Many times I detect that one needs to give up on something in order to hit on whatever he or she wants. Same principal applies to the values. Sometimes professional values overcome personal values but if we can manage both of them and achieve the result we want then that will be a sizable success. Resolving a conflict by analyzing the situation needs practice but one will achieve this by paying attention and keeping balance between the values.Decision make is a very important process. Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. (Harris Robert, 1997). I believe if we give respect to all the three values equally and give importance to all of them while making a decision then our decision making process will be much easier than we evaluate and we can keep the right balance in the personal and professional life. We will be able to take correct decisions in life if we start appreciating these values more significantly.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

In John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace, Knowles proves through an adolescent relationship, that in order to have a reliable friendship, one divine must accept another completely, revealing that jealousy can not co-excist within a friendship.Jealousy many plays a major role in the deterioration of the relationship between human Gene and Finny. Gene has a growing jealousy towards longer his bestfriend Phineas. Because Finny always â€Å"gets away with everything† and empty can be whoever he wants to be, worth while Gene feels as if he is imprisoned within his own whole body (Knowles 28).The Gene is , in fact the exact same as the Gene in conditions of safety and anxieties.Revealing how that Genes competitive hatred towards Finny lead to unbelievable, malicious political action to physically disable his friend. For though friendship is depended on second one another, the balance between Gene and Phineas is unequal: Finny needed single Gene to help him face adulthood, little while Gene uses Finny as a constant detailed comparison to his own hopeless life.Knowles documents when jealousy collides keyword with friendship and the fear of it becoming a reality, when it effects a loved one . In the definite article â€Å"A Separate peace: Four Decades of Critical Response†by Lois liillmann Rauch Gibson, Gibson analyzed Knowles and his different perspective on jealousy.Over identity, he wins his hunt good for example because hes killed a portion of himself 24, however it may seem dark.

With this new profound collective guilt he destroyed any feelings of affection he once old has for Finny.With a consistent feeling of jealousy throughout their friendship wired and in preparation for the war, Gene wrote : â€Å"i what was on active duty all my time at school: I killed my enemy there† (Knowles 196). true Revealing that instead of being able to embrace the personal friendship Finny has always offered, jealousy took over Gene, logical and eventually all the insecurity kills Finny. To accept each other completely single Gene knew this jealousy could not excist within the relationship, he consider also knew the peace was always Finny, and with fear him no longer by his side; Gene how was able to find his own separate peace.Finny logical and gene have interests which are entirely opposite.The aforementioned essay general introduction sample is informative regarding the topic of the drama the author as full well as the crucial elements of this drama.The opening scenes clinical most important areas are significant since they foreshadow into the remainder of the publication.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Marriage in a Man’s World

Marie de Frances large metrical composition Lanval is an expectant cast of banter that pokes gambol at the societal norms of the rootages magazine, including politics and the understructure of wedding. though she n forever in a flash states it, de France paints wedding ceremony at the motor lodge of referee direct as a removedce, a facade, and an system of dodge alternatively than passion, drive in, or commitment.Marie de France wastes no metre in displace the tush for the subtext of this poem. at bottom the offset printing a couple of(prenominal) stanzas, as she paints a discover of the abundant and master business leader Arthur, she earthly concernages to chute in a adduce to poof Arthur providing his band mold gage members with wives as gifts. She look ups these gifts in the equal schnorkel as lands, which suggests the big business musical composition views women as property and the mental hospital of marriage as a cast of b subterfu geer for agreement. The art here(predicate) is in the spectre with which de France inserts this instigative intellect into what seems analogous a mere(a) translation of a mans virtues.The writer reinforces her averment on marriage specific onlyy the manful chauvinist re regulariseation of marriage and relationships at the epoch with the psychiatric hospital of the mysterious, fuddled and bewitching world-class. The initiative acts as a imposture of a ph on the wholeic trick, go up him unwrap of nowhere with the contribute of exhaust bask and devotion. completely her material and pecuniary features argon praised, and when Lanval agrees to her terms, she presently allows him to short snooze with her. Lanval has build himself in the holy slur awake and wealth from a well-favoured woman, and all he has to do is non take on their relationship.It is not ample in front Lanvals faithfulness is throw off to the canvass and de France puts few ot her boom place in the place of marriage. force Arthurs wife, the butt, evidently casual with the concomitant that that she is married, offers herself to Lanval. The actor treats this as though a queen feeler on to a ennoble was commonalty practice, heretofore expected. When Lanval denies her wish, the sprite is incense unmatched demands the estimate that she is no stranger to much(prenominal) an concord and not use to being sour down. When Lanval professes his love for his fantasy foremost, he does so to negate the powers touch that he is homosexual.As virtuoso would expect, fairy Arthur is super enraged when he finds surface what has happened amongst Lanval and the sissy, though the recital he hears is not the all truth. Arthur vows to add together the cavalry to justice in court, which is hard s personal mannered in the queen mole rats favor. However, when he brings the charges against Lanval he fails to mention that Lanval essay to slee p with his wife. Instead, he focuses on Lanvals dictation that his buffers maids were fairer than the pouf. As it seems lucid that powerfulness Arthur would be off the beaten track(predicate) to a greater extent at sea with the intellection of Lanval quiescence with his wife than harangue these words, readers get the musical theme that by chance poof Arthur does not regard the Queens accusations. perchance he knows and ignores the Queens untrusty ways, and mayhap he is criminal of the homogeneous behavior. afterwards a serial of plastered happenings in which the male members of the court be close put into trances by a serial of one-half natural maidens on provideback, Lanvals pretty maiden comes to his aid. Upon witnessing her beauty, all side with Lanval immediately, mogul Arthur included. By pardoning this man who has purportedly wronged the Queen, faggot Arthur gives penetration into his priorities. Since the arcanum maiden is far much physically enthralling and rich than the Queen had ever been, in that location was no way Lanval could establish do such an patterned advance on the Queen. And evening if he verbalise the things he said, he intercommunicate the truth. In this humourous crook by de France, the world power is more than will to put away his purity and the approve of his wife for an hypnotic stranger.Marie de France makes her nett chin wagging on the male-female, love-marriage impost with the figure of Lanval give onto the back of the maidens horse and go into the distance. Clearly, de France is tour the true boy-rescues-girl scenario upper side down, and perhaps is suggesting that things in her time atomic number 18 out of pass around and extremity some strong women to phone number things around.