Monday, September 30, 2019

Simon in the Lord of the Flies

Simon is a member of the choir, but is the only one who seems weak. Simon is introduced in the novel when he faints; this is a show of his weakness. He is a lot like piggy, but not as bullied. Ralph thinks he is ‘queer' and ‘funny' because he is realistic. Simon is the first boy to notice the candle bud flowers when they are out walking. Simon always sees the spiritual side of the island. The only place you see candles nowadays is in churches. Jack slashes at the candle buds with his knife keeping up his reputation as the anarchist. The creepers on the island are long vines. The small children see these creepers as â€Å"beasties†. When the little child comes forward during a meeting, he describes a ‘snake-thing', then changes his mind to a ‘beastie'. The boy makes out the ‘beastie to be evil'. The beastie the boy has seen is not a physical monster it is a monster inside the boy's head. The most terrifying thing is darkness and the unknown. The unknown makes the human imagination go wild and ask all the questions it can, â€Å"What's out there?† â€Å"Is it a huge big snake† â€Å"Is it coming to get me in the night?† The snake-like thing the ‘little-un' describes is symbolic of the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve. In Genesis, in the Bible, the serpent is portrayed as the devil and acts against god's wishes; it offers Eve the fruit from the tree of knowledge, unknowing of the consequences, Eve accepts the fruit. She offers the fruit to her husband, Adam. They both eat the fruit and become aware of their state of undress. When God came walking in the garden he found that Adam and Eve had hidden their genitalia under fig leaves. God banished Adam and Eve from Eden. The serpent, the devil, had won. Simon is the one who is helping to construct the huts on the beach. He believes the shelters will guard from the ‘beastie'. This is for the benefit of the rest of the group, not selfish like Jack and his crazed hunt for pigs. Simon is a bit of a loner; he has his own cove in the jungle, which he keeps secret from everyone else. This place has ‘more sunlight' than the rest of the jungle and is decorated with floral bouquets. The jungle suddenly turns into a picturesque haven from the outside anger of the island. But Simon is not escaping the outside force he is merely running from himself, the Simon that exists with the other boys. When he is inside his special sanctuary he fells protected. There is the appearance of the candle bud flowers again, and coupled with the safety and sanctuary of the cove it almost turns into a church. When the tight canopy of creepers envelops Simon, the light in the cove increases. The passage describes of how the evil in this part of the jungle disappears, ‘Darkness poured out'. Simon is the light in the darkness of the island; he is the only voice of religion amongst the chaos of evil. Golding is showing Simon to be a spiritual guide in the book. When he is walking through the jungle towards his cavern, he comes across some small children, â€Å"little-uns†. They are trying to reach some fruit located just beyond their grasp in a tree. Simon obligingly picks the ‘choicest' fruit from the foliage and passes it back down to the ‘endless outstretched hands'. This scene can be likened to an event in the bible, which is where Jesus Christ feeds five thousand people with a few loaves of bread and some fish. Simon is the saviour for these children; they had been trying for hours to reach the juiciest fruit from the tree and Simon has got it for them with very little ease. Simon's description by Golding shows he has a mop of hair, which is black in colour. This is like that of Jesus Christ, again rekindling the association with a spiritual nature. Like Piggy Simon is clear-sighted, he knows what is best, but unlike Piggy he advises on the religious meanings of the island. He is the first boy in the party to notice the transformation that has occurred on the island. He sees that, the island they once took for an Eden, has under gone a metamorphosis into a place of evil. When Jack talks of how the ‘little-uns' scream in their sleep, terrified of the ‘beastie' Simon is the first to acknowledge â€Å"As if the beastie was real† and â€Å"As if it wasn't a good island.† Simon is still blaming the evil experience on an outside force, he, like the entire group still fail to see the evil is within or â€Å"The darkness within†. Jack also senses the evil on the island, he likens it to a physical presence when he goes hunting, â€Å"†¦you can feel as if you're not hunting, but-being hunted: as if something's behind you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The boys on the island have difficulty finishing their sentences; this is because they are scared and embarrassed of their situation. The boys themselves find it difficult to understand the emotions they are feeling and whether these emotions should be listened to. The situation is like that of the Jews in Egypt from the Old Testament in the Bible. When the evil Egyptian slave masters ruled them, they were not enjoying themselves but they had some kind of law and order. When Moses freed them, they were happy at the wonders of freedom, but soon were reduced to a rabble of immoral ‘wrong-doers'. The boys have been ruled by grown-ups all their lives and when they find themselves on the Island, they are ecstatic, but when things get difficult and new feelings arise, bad things happen. Luckily for the Jews Moses was there to save them, he went to God and received the Ten Commandments that brought law and order back to his people. Maybe something similar will happen in this novel. Simon may save the boys, or he may be symbolising Moses and some other, yet unknown force, is God.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Scope of Edusat

SCOPE OF EDUSAT Dr. R. SIVAKUMAR INTRODUCTION The pivotal role of education as an instrument of social change by altering the human perspective and transforming the traditional mindset of society is well recognized. The universalisation of education has become the top priority, especially for the developing countries. But the extension of quality education to remote and rural regions becomes a Himalaya task for a large country like India with multi-lingual and multi-cultural population separated by vast geographical distances and in many instances, inaccessible terrain.Since independence, India has seen substantial increase in the number of educational institutions at primary, secondary and higher levels as well as the student enrolment. But the lack of adequate rural educational infrastructure and non-availability of good teachers in sufficient numbers adversely affect the efforts made in education. EDUSAT is the first Indian satellite built exclusively for serving the educational s ector and it was launched successfully by GSLV-F01 on 20-9-2004.It is mainly intended to meet the demand for an interactive satellite based distance education system for the country. It strongly reflects India’s commitment to use space technology for national development, especially for the development of the population in remote and rural locations. EVOLUTION OF EDUSAT The concept of beaming educational programmes through satellites was effectively demonstrated for the first time in India in 1975-76 through the Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE) conducted using the American Application Technology Satellite (ATS-6).During this unique experiment, which is hailed as the largest sociological experiment conducted anywhere in the world, programmes pertaining to health, hygiene and family planning were telecast directly to about 2400 Indian villages spread over six states. Later, with the commissioning of INSAT system in 1983, a variety of educational programmes a re being telecast. With the success of the INSAT based educational services, a need was felt to launch a satellite dedicated for educational service and ISRO conceived the EDUSAT Project in October 2002.EDUSAT is to be launched on board ISRO's Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV, in September 2004. EDUSAT was developed by ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. The payloads were developed by Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. Master Control Facility at Hassan is responsible for all post launch operations of the satellite. It is specially configured to meet the growing demand for an interactive satellite based distance education system for the country through audio-visual medium, employing Direct To Home (DTH) quality broadcast.The satellite will have multiple regional beams covering different parts of India. EDUSAT FOR RURAL STUDENTS The main purpose of this is to provide education to all people primarily children from remote areas of the country who cannot go to schools or c olleges. The classes would be conducted by various State Education Boards, NCERT, CBSE, Universities etc in a studio environment using power point presentations as well as the common black board. There could be interactive as well as non interactive sessions offered.Classes would be conducted in a studio environment eliminating the need for a large number of competent, qualified teachers and televised to the entire nation. These classes would be beamed to pre-destined areas using the EDUSAT similar to regional TV programs on ‘Doordarshan'. It will be in the form of TV programs Students attending the classes will be able to ask questions to the teachers conducting classes through SMS, email or other mode of communication, something similar to a TV talk show.To enable this, schools/colleges should have an interactive receiving terminal which is currently being supplied free by ISRO to selected schools/colleges as the whole program is at an experimental stage. In addition these c lasses would be recorded on a CD and converted into a computer file and made available on the net without the interactive session. They will be available from the archives at any later date in the future. The Government is trying to achieve in the education field using space technology.The wider picture is that, this will give a thrust to distance education. Education will be available at a fraction of its cost to a large number of students in higher education. A large number of students can be educated by a very few extremely efficient teachers who can reach them from the studios located in the universities or education boards. Education can be taken to the students rather than students walking long distances to schools as in the case of rural India.Students can receive education at their own pace and at their own convenience especially those who are employed. This technology can be used to eliminate illiteracy in other parts of the globe. Already there are talks about providing ed ucation to neighboring countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. , and Afghanistan etc. using the EDUSAT. This is going to revolutionize education in the country. It would be necessary to have proper infrastructure such as communication facilities, power etc. in remote areas for this to work. Power can be supplied using solar power.EDUSAT IN DISTANCE EDUCATION EDUSAT is primarily meant for providing connectivity to school, college and higher levels of education and also to support non-formal education including developmental communication. The quantity and quality of the content would ultimately decide the success of EDUSAT System. Satellites can establish the connectivity between urban educational institutions with adequate infrastructure imparting quality education and the large number of rural and semi-urban educational institutions that lack the necessary infrastructure.Besides supporting formal education, a satellite system can facilitate the dissemination of knowledge to the rural and remote population about important aspects like health, hygiene and personality development and allow professionals to update their knowledge base as well. Thus, in spite of limited trained and skilled teachers, the aspirations of the growing student population at all levels can be met through the concept of tele-education. EDUSAT – IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT (MHRD)The Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Govt. of India has been promoting actively the open and distance learning systems in the country. The launch of the Gyan Darshan bouquet of satellite based TV channels and Gyan Vani FM Radio Network are recent examples. The launch of EDUSAT marks a major milestone in the country and poses enormous challenges as well as offers excellent potential for the ministry. They have proposed to use the ICT capabilities of the EDUSAT satellite for Elementary Education, Literacy, Vocational Training and Teacher's Training.A later phase w ill expand to include Agriculture, Health, and Community Development Programmes etc. INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANIZATION (ISRO) ISRO provides the space segment for EDUSAT System and demonstrate the efficacy of the satellite system for interactive distance education. EDUSAT is the first exclusive satellite for serving the educational sector. It is specially configured for audio-visual medium, employing digital interactive classroom and multimedia multi-centric system. ISROs EDUSAT would help reach content to remote areas. The content could be for primary schools, high school or colleges.The same satellite transmission facility could be used to reach lectures and study materials from special educators and experts to inaccessible areas where quality education did not reach. The satellite has multiple regional beams covering different parts of India INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (IGNOU) Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), a pioneer in Distance Education and Open Lear ning in the country, was established to provide cost-effective, quality education to large sections of our population including those living in remote and far flung areas.Today IGNOU has emerged as the world’s single largest university. It has an efficient and effective networking of 32 Partner Institutions, 48 Regional Centers, 5 Sub-Regional Centers and over 1133 Study Centers, all over India. IGNOU expands the educational facilities in the remote areas of the country through EDUSAT. The University has been working to develop satellite based educational network dedicated for education since 1993. Extensive teaching learning using these networks has been growing fast.Through such a network IGNOU conducted induction programme for new students through teleconferencing during September 25-26, 2004 which was attended by thousands of students spread over more than 150 receiving stations across the country. UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION (UGC) The University Grants Commission (UGC) was formally established only in November 1956 as a statutory body of the Government of India through an Act of Parliament for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of university education in India.The UGCs is Country Wide Classroom (CWCR) programmes were started to be broadcast from August 15, 1984. The commission is at present supporting 7 Educational Media Research Centers (EMRC / EMMRC) and 8 Audio-Visual Research Centers (AVRS) are being supported for training of personnel and production of software. In order to make distance learning more effective and bring best teachers in the country within the reach of all section of students including semi-urban and rural students.Through EDUSAT the University Grants Commission (UGC) expands the educational facilities to Universities and Colleges located in remote areas, Academic Staff Colleges, Media centers etc. GURU NANAK DEV UNIVERSITY Guru Nanak Dev University is the first University of India to have EDUSAT net work at University campus with 120 interactive terminals at receiving stations to set up at different instruments. The special feature of EDUSAT being installed at this university would have two-way communication. Both Video and Audio would make virtual class-room a real life situation.This university was established on 1st may 1981 under UGC scheme. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (NCERT) The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) was set up by the Government of India in 1961 as an autonomous organization registered under Societies Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860) to advise and assist the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and Departments of Education in States / UTs in formulation and implementation of their policies and major programmes in the field of education, particularly for qualitative improvement of school education.In addition to research, development, training, extension, publication and disseminatio n activities, the NCERT acts as a major agency for implementing the bilateral Cultural Exchange Programmes with other countries in the field of school education. The NCERT also interacts and works in collaboration with international organizations, visiting foreign experts and delegations and offers various training facilities to educational personnel from developing countries.NCERT expends its reach through EDUSAT to NCERT centers across the country, Central Tibetan School, National Institutes of Open Learning, Kendriya Vidhyalayas, Jawahar Navodaya Samitis and etc. ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION (AICTE) The statutory All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) was established for proper planning & coordinated development of technical education system throughout the country.AICTE was sent up under an ACT in 1987 – To provide for establishment of an All India council for Technical Education with a view to the proper planning and coordinated development of the technical education system throughout the country, the promotion of qualitative improvement of such education in relation to planned quantitative growth and the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the technical education system and for matters connected therewith.AICTE plans to cover Engineering Colleges and Institutes of Technology across the country under EDUSAT. CONCLUSION The scope of EDUSAT is to make distance learning more effective and bring best teachers in the country within the reach of all section of students including semi-urban and rural students. REFERENCES Balachandra Bhandigadi, (2005), Impact of EDUSAT on school students and teachers, NCERT. Harifa Menakath (2007), EDUSAT as a source of information for the Academic pursuit of Teachers.University News, Vol. 45, No10. Madavan Nair, G. (2005), EDUSAT: Heralding a New Era in Distance Education, University News, 43 (39). Marmar Mukhopadhay (2006), Story of EDUSAT, Shipra publication, New Delhi. WE B REFERENCES http://www. edsatindia. org http://www. indiatelevision. com http://www. isro. org http://www. ncert-nic-in http://www. aicte. ernet. in http://www. icar. org. in http://www. ignou. ac. in http://www. ugc. ac. in

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Biography of Charlie Parker

Charlie Parker's biography Charlie Parker is one of the few musicians who can say that jazz has been permanently changed. He can play a very fast line, and if you slow down to half speed, you will notice that each sound makes sense. Charles Christopher Parker was born in Kansas City, USA on August 29, 1920. He was born on the Kansas side of the state, but in fact it was born from the Kaw River in Kansas City, Missouri. Everyone who intends to write a suitable biography of Charlie Parker must eventually master the essence of genius itself. Very recently, in the life of the great contemporary jazz saxophonist Stanley Crouch, the first volume of the long-awaited two volumes is close to a conversation with the William Biddy fleet, he is a troublesome guitarist, After he arrived in New York in 1938, he explored his own style and new concept that jazz may still be his teens. I like birds (Parker), I told the writer, This is not a person who has to write down, go home and study, and I will do anyone when I meet next time. I like birds Things will do it as soon as you find out what it is. The legendary jazz musician Charlie Parker was born on 29th August 1920 at Charles Christopher Park in Kansas City, Kansas. His father, Charles Parker, is an African American performing artist and his mother, Eddie Parker, is a traditional American maid. Charlie is the only child who moved to Kansas City, Missouri with his parents at the age of seven. Back then, the city was the center of African-American music, including jazz, blues and gospel. Charlie discovered his musical talent by attending a public school class. As a teenager, he played the school band's baritone horn. When Charlie was 15 years old, Alto Saxophone was his favorite instrument. (A few years ago, Charlie's mother handed him sax to help cheer his father after he threw away his family.) During school, Charlie began a band at a local club It was. The famous saxophonist Charlie Parker was acclaimed for Bebop's inventio n. Next to Charlie Park is Dizzy Gillespie (one of the greatest trumpet players in my life). Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker are praised for the birth of Bebop. In 1945, Charlie Parker co-starred with Dizzy Gillespie and founded his own band. Dizzy Gillespie believes that Bebop was the way to adopt the world of racism at the time. After all, they joined the 6 - night night club tour and together they made a new jazz style, bop or bebop.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nursing Situation (evidence-Based) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing Situation (evidence-Based) - Assignment Example It was a devastating experience for the entire team and the patient since it altered his life. It damaged the reputation of the health facility after the patient filed a legal suit, causing financial loss and needless suffering and pain. On further review of the cause of the incident, it was noted that the patient’s test results had been mixed up, there were incorrect markings, there was poor communication between the nurses and the doctors, poor teamwork, and there was miscommunication on whether it is the patient’s right or left limb that was to be amputated. Consequently, the jury found the facility liable of negligence and was heavily fined. The ECRI Institute (2008) affirms that some of the major intervention measures that should be prioritised in order to avoid erroneous operations are the utilization of scheduling forms, ensuring that the entire team has verified a patient’s information prior to the procedure, making sure that the nurses or physicians selected have performed the right site marking, and using time check-outs. A culture of effective and open communication between the nurses and the patients, as well as the OR team should be cultivated to help prevent future cases of wrong site surgeries. Moreover, team policies, procedures and dynamics that include having a comprehensive checklist is also critical in avoiding reoccurrences. This means that before commencing the procedure or entering the room, the hospital and the entire team should check if they are operating the right person, if they are conducting the right procedure, and whether they are doing it on the right side or part of the body. The OR nurses should also practice patience with the patients when asking them questions with regard to their operation. It is also important to offer perioperative nurses with sound information on wrong site surgeries to enhance patients’ health and safety. Additionally,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Helen Keller Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Helen Keller - Essay Example Unlike Helen Keller, I have taken language for granted, thinking that it is just a part of being human and that it is nothing really special. However, reading her account of how her teacher Anne Sullivan laboriously taught her the magic of language revealed to me that language is a gift. Helen was very enthusiastic to learn more about language: "Everything had a name, and each name gave birth to a new thought" (71). I think I can never really recall how I slowly learn to understand the meaning of language. All I know is that, as an infant, I might have solely relied to non-verbal communication to relay my message to my mother and caregiver. It was not until I was two or three that I have learned to associate words with their meanings. This new discovery might not have been that amazing or exciting to me. The value and appreciation of language came later in my life. Personal experiences taught me how language really liberates an individual and brings good things to other people. I have faced a number of disappointments and failures. During these situations, I have relied on language to pour out my anger and frustrations.

The Strategic Management of Economy Hotel in China Essay - 1

The Strategic Management of Economy Hotel in China - Essay Example Homes Inn Hotels and China Lodging Group, and surveying 50 employees of each hotel hotels. The findings of this study reveals that economic hotels, though, might have a very limited business scope, but strategically they are required to align their objectives with the operational capacities. By doing this, economic hotels can ensure efficient utilization of the resources which would reflect in increased profitability of the business. Acknowledgement Table of Contents Abstract 2 Acknowledgement 3 Table of Contents 4 List of Tables and Figures 10 Chapter 1: Introduction 11 1.1 Background 11 1.2 Problem Statement 12 1.3 Research Aim 13 1.4 Research Objectives 13 1.5 Research Questions 13 1.6 Significance of the Research 14 1.7 Scope of the Study 14 1.8 Structure of the Report 14 Chapter 2: Literature Review 16 2.1 Introduction 16 2.2 Hospitality industry in Asia 17 2.3 Economy hotels – Characteristics 19 2.4 Hotel industry in China – overview 21 2.5The role of Chinese gove rnment in the development of China’s hospitality industry 23 2.6Strategies of hotels in China 25 2.6.1 The role of hospitality industry environment 25 2.6.2 Factors influencing the form of strategies of Chinese hotels 26 2.6.3 Challenges related to the strategies of hotels in China 29 2.6.4 Strategies of Chinese hotels vs. ... 41 3.1 Introduction 41 3.2 Presentation and analysis of research methods 42 3.2.1 Research Strategy 42 3.2.2 Research Philosophy 43 3.2.3 Data collection 44 3.2.4 Research Sampling 46 3.2.5 Data analysis 47 3.2.6 Ethical considerations 50 3.2.7 Limitations of Research 50 Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion 52 4.1 Introduction 52 4.2 Demographic Findings: Home Inns 52 4.3 Survey Questionnaire Findings: Homes Inn 55 4.3.1 Role of External Factors 55 4.3.2 Role of Internal Factors 56 4.3.3.Ability to Cater Organizational Mission 56 4.3.4 Achieving Objectives 56 4.3.5 Strategy Consultation 56 4.3.6 Compliance 57 4.3.7 Feedback 57 4.3.8 Training and Development 57 4.3.9 Daily Briefings 58 4.3.10 Project Reports 58 4.4 Descriptive Statistics: Homes Inn 58 4.5 Interview Analysis: Homes Inn 61 4.5.1 Influence of External Factors on Strategic Management 61 4.5.2 Influence of Internal Factors on Strategic Management 61 4.5.3 Homes Inn’s Mission 62 4.5.4 Homes Inn’s Objectives 62 4 .5.5 Strategy Development Process 63 4.5.6 Policy Structure and its Stakeholders 63 4.5.7 Training and Development Programs Offered to the Employees 64 4.5.8 Homes Inn’s Organizational Structure 64 4.5.9 Budgeting and Costing of Strategy Development and Implication 64 4.5.10 Implementation of Strategic Plan 65 4.5.11 Performance Evaluation Systems 65 4.5.12 Issue Identification Mechanism 66 4.5.13 Feedback Mechanism 66 4.6 Demographic Finding: China Lodging Group 66 4.7 Survey Questionnaire Findings: China Lodging Group 69 4.7.1 Role of External Factors 69 4.7.2 Role of External Factors 70 4.7.3 Ability to Cater Organizational Mission 70 4.7.4 Achieving Objectives 70 4.7.5 Strategy Consultation 71 4.7.6 Compliance 71 4.7.7 Feedback 71 4.7.8 Training and Development 72 4.7.9 Daily Briefings 72

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Lab report- materials Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

- materials - Lab Report Example Steel is artificially produced and it exists in different forms of iron. Whereas steel has carbon content which is less than that of pig iron, its carbon content is more than that of wrought iron. Moreover, steel has such qualities as elasticity, hardness, as well as strength, which depends on the heat treatment and composition (Makelainen and Hassinen 488). Consequently, it is categorized as either having low, medium or high carbon content. On the other hand, aluminium is a silvery white metallic element that is ductile and has low density as well as high strength to weight ratio and is mainly bauxite. Owing to its good thermal and conductive properties, aluminium is usually used in forming hard light corrosion resistant alloys. Similarly, a polymer is defined as chemical compound that is formed through a process known as polymerization, and it consists of repeating structural units (Cheremisinoff 1). Inherently, polymers are normally characterized by their light weight and their ab ility to resist corrosion and reaction. Materials and methods The dumbbell specimens were put under tensile forces through a horizontal tensile testing machine. Consequently, the diameter of the specimen was obtained by use of vernier calliper and recorded before the test commenced. Moreover, during the application of the load, two cameras were used in determining the diameter of specimen. Subsequently, the cross-sectional area of the specimen was obtained and together with the load, both the engineering stress and the true stress were calculated in accordance to the following equations. The process was repeated for all the materials. Consequently, a horizontal tensile force was applied to the specimen. The elongation and the new diameter of the specimen, due to the applied load were similarly obtained through the use of VI monitor and the cameras, and they were recorded. Using the load (KN), the diameter (mm) and the elongation (m), engineering and true stress, engineering strain, yield stress *0.1 percent offset, Young modulus, ductility, ultimate tensile stress and work fracture were also obtained. Where where r = diameter/ 2 = Davis defines young elastic modulus as the measure of the resistance of a material to elastic deformation (32). It is equal to the slope of a stress/strain curve in elastic region. Therefore, where , and , are y axis points of the curve, and; , and are x axis points of the curve Moreover, according to Davis ductility of material describes the ability of a material to deform permanently before failure (37). It is actually the engineering strain at failure. = Davis claims that work fracture is equal to the area under stress-strain curve, and its unit is work per unit volume (Nm/m3) (45). More importantly, the ultimate tensile strength refers to the maximum amount of stress a material can bear. It is obtained from the engineering stress-strain curve as the highest point. Conclusion From the tensile test conducted on the materials A, B, and C, the young modulus, yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were obtained. Material A had the highest young modulus with a value of 190 GPa, and it was followed by material B and finally material C. Consequently, from the results it is clear that as the materials become brittle, the Young modulus tends to become higher. It was also noted that the polymer achieved the highest engineering strain, of 0.57, and was closely followed by steel with 0.35 and aluminium with 0.1.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Physics of Soccer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Physics of Soccer - Essay Example Dropped ball: It takes place when the referee has stopped the game for any other reasons for example interference by a party that is not from within, a serious injury to a player, or when a ball is going out of order. Generally there are many rules and regulations that should be adhered to. The association of football around the world has its governing body. The governing body that is recognised across the globe is FIFA. This is the body that is known to associate wit football in all over the world. Its headquarters are in Zurich and there are other bodies that are associated with this main body of football. These bodies are: Confederation of African Football (CAF) Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL). Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF). This essay will therefore talk about the physics of soccer. For the ball to be kicked for the goal keeper to get the ball before it goes through to the net and for all the other activities that take place in soccer to occur, there are various physical movements that support all of them. All soccer players always work hard to make certain that they maintain their shape and that they improve their kick. This essay will cover certain topics to see how they physics of soccer is. The questions that will be answered in this essay include: 1. What happens when a player kicks a ball? 2. How much vigour, in heaviness would a soccer player experience on their foot in a kick. 3. How do football players twist a soccer ball? 4. Does a huge... Initially, when the ball is kicked, the leg of the player puts in kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is that energy that is put in order to make something move. In this case, since the ball has to be moved, the kinetic energy has to be put inside the ball. The formula for this kinetic energy implementation is KE=1/2 MV2. In this case, the kinetic energy used is equal to half of the total mass of the player’s leg, multiplied by the speed (velocity) of the leg as it hits the balls, squared. The ball loses its shape when it is kicked. This is the other thing that happens when a player hits the ball. It deforms due to the energy that has been exerted on it where the place that is it turns out to be flat within a shirt tie that is over 0.01 seconds. The energy, therefore, that collides is that kinetic energy from the foot plus the energy stored in the deformed ball whereas the energy that comes out is the kinetic energy in the ball plus heat.The number of kicks given determines the ene rgy that is exerted and that which is lost. This means that the more the ball is hit, the more it deforms thus a lot more energy is lost to heat. Here Newton’s law in force is applicable because it helps in providing information on how force is used and how to determine power that is used to carry out an activity. Force, in this case, is calculated by getting the product of acceleration and mass. The mass of a ball is usually 0.4 kg meaning the only thing to be determined is the acceleration which is the change in speed of the ball.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Domino's pizza case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Domino's pizza - Case Study Example This analysis presents the elemental constructs of the new information strategy, the digital technologies used in the implementation of the strategy as well as the qualification of such technology to be part or reminiscent of a digital ecosystem. Domino’s revolutionary information system stems primarily from operation innovation complimented by technology-enabled processes, and more specifically the store design. Since the basic steps of making pizza available entail placement of the order by the customer followed by an immediate order preparation that takes into consideration the waiting time duration balanced against quality maintenance, the need for store managers to monitor the rate of order preparation became imperative. Consequently, the business based on its operational design and available technology rolled out a program, the leaderboard that provides store managers with real-time information on performance analytics and operational metrics. Through this platform, store managers are able to monitor the performance of their respective stores relative to that of neighboring ones. In addition to providing information to the store managers, the leaderboard also relayed the same information to regional managers and to the headquarters, which implies that remote monitoring of store became possible. It also increased transparency in the operations of the stores since employees were able to track key performance indicators and make corrections whenever a situation arose that warranted such.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How Muslim practises reflect Islamic teaching on the role and status of women Essay Example for Free

How Muslim practises reflect Islamic teaching on the role and status of women Essay Explain how Muslim practises reflect Islamic teaching on the role and status of women Islamic teaching and theories are such so that they can be applied to modern life. Islam recognizes the fact that men are generally physically stronger than women, but does not place men above women. They are given different skills to do so women are given the duty of providing food for the hungry, refuge for the weary, hospitality for the guest, comfort for the distressed, peace for the troubled, hope for the insecure and encouragement for the weak. They are expected to cook for the family, clean and give love to her husband. This sounds all very one sided, however marriage in Islam is a team effort- the husband has his expectations and requirements to. Islam treats women as equals to men and that their role is as important as men. The rights of a woman are sacred; ensure that women are maintained in the rights assigned to them [Hadith] A Muslim woman has the right to stay a virgin, unmolested by anyone. She has the right to be looked after when in pain. She does not have to fast during Ramadan, because she is going through so much pain, therefore she must be treated with respect. It is a privilege given to women because Islam recognizes the crucial role they play in life. Since they are burdened with the responsibility of upholding the home and bringing up the children, she is not expected to work or earn money. Allah says in Quran, surah 2, verse 228, and women shall have the rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable A man came to Prophet Muhammad asking, O Messenger of Allah, who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said, Your mother. The man said, Then, who is next? The Prophet said, Your mother. The man said, Then, who is next? The Prophet said, Your mother. The man further asked, Then who is next? Only then did the Prophet say, Your father. This shows the importance that Islam gives to women. Islamic teaching about modesty states that men and women, but especially women, should cover themselves up and present themselves modestly so that men do not stare at them. This is not compulsory however, but most women choose to do it anyway. This shows that women do not feel that they are treated inferior to men and being forced to wear it. Instead of totally covering themselves up completely in some countries, they just dress modestly by covering their heads or wearing a scarf. They never wear anything tight. Modesty and faith are joined closely together; if either of them is lost, the other goes also. Every religion has a special character; the characteristic of Islam is modesty [Hadith] This is an example of how Islamic teaching about women is applied in every day life. Men also have to dress modestly. Women do not have to go to the mosque, but instead pray at home. This reflects the teaching about women having to bring up the household. Since this is their duty, they are allowed to pray at home. Because women are not seen as objects, but as equals to men they are given a dowry from the husband when they get married. This is to show that the woman is not just an object to fulfil any sexual desires, or work for him, but that she is a human being. A man being allowed to have more than one wife is not just a benefit to the man. The woman chooses whether or not she wants to marry a man with a wife already, or if the man she is marrying is allowed to have more than one wife after her. It is entirely her choice. By allowing her husband to have more than one wife she will benefit by the fact that there will be someone else to help her bring up the children and to bring up the household. The man is allowed to have more than one wife, but the woman decides it in the end. In Islam, the woman can have any job she pleases, since they are equals. If a woman chooses to work, it is entirely her choice but she does not have to. The husband should treat the wife with respect and not take her for granted. He should not think of her a servant and that she must make his dinner. She doesnt but she probably does because marriage in Islam is give and take. He should consult her when making decisions, because women are just as important and clever as men. So Muslim couples discuss things and work things out together and do not take each other for granted. Women have as much of a right to pray in a mosque as a man, since everyone is equal. All people are equalas the teeth of a comb. No Arab can claim merit over a non-Arab, nor a white over a black person, nor a male over a female [Hadith] What happens is that the men pray at the front, while the women pray at the back behind a sheet or curtain. The reason for the men being at the front is not that men are superior, but to prevent any flirtatious thoughts by the men and help them focus on Allah rather than the opposite sex. There are many rules concerning women, and these have been incorporated into modern life so that they still hold true to the rule.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why Students Drop Out Of High School Education Essay

Why Students Drop Out Of High School Education Essay High school dropouts have become a crisis in the United States that is continuously increasing. There are various reasons as to why students drop out of high school. These reasons range from simple factors having an impact upon why a student drops out to complex reasons as to why a student drops out of high school. On the contrary, there are various factors that keep students in high school. These factors include being involved in extracurricular activities in and out of school and interaction with the family. However, dropping out of high school not only affects the individual who has dropped out. The action will also affect those who surround the individual and as the number of high school dropouts increases, this rate will continue to have an effect on the United States economy. The negative impact of high school dropouts worsens the economy every time a student chooses to drop out of school. There is no typical person who dropouts of school. This epidemic that is increasing has become a vicious cycle that must be put to an end. Studies have shown that one must attain a high school degree in order to combat poverty. Moreover, studies have also shown that high school degree is not seen the same now as it was in the past. More often than not, a high school dropout will earn less in a lifetime than an individual who has graduated high school and continued to further their education. This paper will seek reason as why the rate of high school dropouts has increased with the research that has been conducted in the past and is currently being conducted now. This paper will also propose why the rate of high school dropouts increases with the policies and programs that have been implemented by the government. The findings in this paper will not discuss minorities or gender in regards to high school dropouts. This analysis will discuss high school dropouts in the United States in general. There will also be research showing the correlation between why a student drops out of school and what program can assist them getting back into school. This research is significant to the society because high school dropouts not only effect them personally and those surrounding them. High school dropouts affect the economy and the society as a whole. Research must continue to be conducted to decrease these rare and eventually stop students from dropping out of high school. If student continue to drop out and this rate increases, eventually there will be very few skilled workers in the United States. This will result in the shipping of jobs overseas, which will weaken the United States economy. Furthermore, this research is significant in academia. Scholars and researchers must continue to conduct research as to why youth continues to drop out of high school. With the continuation of this research, there is a probability that there will be an end to high school dropouts or the rate of dropouts will significantly decrease. In addition, this research will allow other researchers in academia to draw conclusions and make recommendations in regards to the kind of programs and policies that should be implemented into the law in the future. Then, the government will have the ability to analyze the data that has been collected by scholars in order to put these policies into place. Theoretical Framework During this research, there was a use of quantitative data in order to show a cause and effect relationship between the increasing rate of high school dropouts and what needs to be done to decrease this rate. The data will also show how the programs and policies can reformed in order to decrease the rate high school dropouts. A survey was constructed in order to better understand why the rate of high school dropouts continues to increase with the research that has been conducted in the past. In addition, the data came from fifty students on campus. The survey consisted of twenty questions that asked general question about personally knowing high school dropouts. The survey also asked questions that were complex in regards to opinions about what kind of policies and programs the government should implement in the future. Literature Review There were four main areas that were discussed by scholars in during the research process. Those areas included (a) the personal and public effects of dropping out of high school, (b) educational equity, (c) dropout prevention and recovery efforts, and (d) the effects of high school dropouts not taking the advantage of second chance opportunities such as attaining a GED. There were other areas that were discussed as well; however, there was not as much emphasis as the former. Those areas were adolescent employment, parent involvement, and the effects those components have on high school dropouts. There are several effects that results from dropping out of high school. These effects mount upon one another, which results in one problem turning into another. Dropping out of high school impacts an individual personally and effectively in several ways. Everyday, there are seven thousand high school dropouts. If a student does not complete high school, they will obtain a low income, therefore, contributing less to the society (Rouse, 2005). An individual who has not completed high school is classified as having an inadequate education. High school graduates earn thousands of dollars less than high school graduates and one million less than college graduates in a lifetime. High school dropouts are more liable to slip into poverty than high school graduates. In regards to personal issues, high school dropouts are more likely to have worse health, employment issues, become pregnant as a teen, and be incarcerated than high school graduates are. This cycle will continue from generation to generation if more programs are not reformed and created (Rouse, 2005). In regards to high school dropouts and the society as a whole, there will be less productive workers, which will result in less revenue that would have been made. More often than not, high school dropouts will need government assistance, which is not likely not a need of a high school graduate (Rouse, 2005). Another topic of discussion that was debated among scholars was educational equity. The United States education is not equivalent among public school systems. There is an achievement gap among students, therefore, creating more dropouts. Studies show that there needs to be more basic work taught in schools and there needs to be tougher academic and attendance standards. These same studies go on to say that higher expectations produce higher achievement. There also needs to be more schools competing to get the best students. According to McLaughlin, this will create a rise in American education. (McLaughlin, 1990). There needs to be a higher standard held by the administrators and the students themselves. Dropout prevention and recovery efforts need reforming if there is going to be a decrease in the rate of high school dropouts. Some of the programs are not preventing high school dropouts efficiently. There are some programs that have had good results, but not good enough for what needs to be accomplished in the long run (McLaughlin, 1990). According to Christenson and Thurlow, there should be five factors taken into consideration when creating dropout prevention programs. Those five considerations towards completion and engagement, and the importance of empirical evidence.  [1]   Moreover, there were two areas of discussion during the research process that also impact high school dropouts. Adolescent employment and parent involvement have a major influence on how a student performs in school. According to McNeal, there is a possibility that students are being pulled out of school. McNeal discusses the effects what is occurring with students who work while attending grade school. He goes on to write how in previous studies of high school dropouts, the main focus was how demographics was the main cause of students dropping out of high school. However, there are a plethora of reasons as to why a student drops out of school. These reasons are referred to as push and pull factors that take a student out of school.  [2]   Additionally, parent involvement was considered to be another element that influenced a students performance in school and whether they remained in school or not. According to Crosnoe, parent involvement enhances academic competence. Parent involvement, just as adolescent employment, not been emphasized in previous studies of high school dropouts. Nonetheless, both are circumstances that effect whether a student will graduate from high school Interpretation of Results The results of the data revealed various answers that can be interpreted to understand the correlation between the climbing rate of high school dropouts and what will make this rate decrease. The survey showed how many people knew a high school dropout personally and why that individual did not attain a high school degree. There were several surveys that reflected little or no knowledge about programs and intervention for high school dropouts. This disclosed information that answered questions as to why the rate is so high and why the rate has yet to be decreased. Some of the data from the survey can be compared with statistics from other researchers. The results show that there is a lack of knowledge and awareness about the crisis that is occurring within the United States education system. In addition, there is a message that is conveyed through the data that has been collected. The message being conveyed is that there is not a sufficient amount of information being provided becaus e there has still not been a decrease in the number of high school dropouts. Likewise, there were many results that coincided with one another. There was little or no effect on the student if they were raised in a single parent home. However, if the student was raised in a single parent home and in a tumultuous environment, the student had more of a tendency to drop out of school. There were various factors that motivated a student to graduate from high school. Those factors included family, self-motivation, engagement in extracurricular activities, and school staff such as teachers, administrators, and coaches. There was also an abundance of feedback that showed a majority of the dropouts were dramatically affected by employment. The dropouts either found it difficult to obtain a job or they still are having difficulties in doing so. There were a few responses that showed that some of the dropouts came from good environments. These outcomes imply that there can be some chaos within a good environment. The environment as a whole may not be chaotic. However, the household which the student lives within may be in disarray. Some of the surveys showed that there were several students who dropped out between sophomore and junior year of high school. There were also answers that had a connection between a disorderly environment and the tendency to drop out of school. More often than not, if the answer was yes to living in the chaotic environment such as the inner city, the person also circled that the person they knew who dropped out was either pregnant or had a personal illness, in the criminal justice system, had family financial needs, and did not see the value of education. For the most part, these answers were linked together. Discussion Dropout Rate Increases The rate of high school dropouts continues to increase with the research that has been done. There is no specific answer as to why this crisis is occurring and will persist to worsen if drastic measures are not taken. This national crisis continues to worsen because there is not a single answer to decreasing the rate. The challenge of increasing the graduation rate is difficult because increasing the graduation consists of many components. There are several steps to accomplishing the completion of high school. A student must pass certain tests and must pass the required curriculum before attaining a high school degree. Therefore, the programs to keep students in school must essentially be compatible with each student because the reasons for dropping out of school differ from student to student. In addition, high school graduation rates have not significantly decreased since 1990. These challenges become more difficult when the national reform efforts push for higher academic standards. This problem calls for more effort because the students will not have the skills they need after graduating from high school.  [3]  Dropping out of high school is not something that occurs instantaneously. It is a process that must be stopped before it can stop. Allowing a student to become disinterested in school is a process that should not begin because it will be more of a task to end. Programs to End Crisis There have been a number of programs created to decrease the rate of drop outs. The programs assist at-risk youth, students who did not perform well in school, and programs to prevent students from dropping out. Recently, the Obama administration has been focusing on high school dropouts. President Obama has brought it to the attention of the nation that there is a national crisis. According to the National Center for Education (NCES), this is a crisis that has been occurring for over a decade now. The Obama administration is taking the necessary steps to reduce the number of dropouts. President Obama asked the states to pinpoint schools that had graduation rates below 60%. The administration has devoted $3.5 billion to transform schools that are not performing at their best.  [4]   Also, there are programs such as Americas Alliance Program (Grad Nation) and the Educational Equity Project. Americans Alliance Program is a partnership alliance committed to ensuring children experience the fundamental resources they need to succeed. The Educational Equity Project is to eliminate the racial and ethnic achievement gap in our nations public school system. Another program is Gateway to College. This program is a high school dropout recovery program. This program helps dropouts between the ages of 16 and 21 to earn a high school diploma. Dropping Out Before 18 Some states have risen the dropout age to 18. If a student is not 18, they are not permitted to dropout before 18 without parental consent. Several states have risen the age to 18. However, some states still have the age to dropout at 17 and some states remain at 16 years old. However, the lower the age, the worse the crisis will become. Raising the age to dropout will decrease the rate of dropouts. Some students will take the initiative to graduate instead of dropping out at 18 years old. Also, there are students who graduate high school at 17 years old. This will also decrease the rate of dropouts because they will not be 18 until after graduation. Therefore, legislators should not give not give the option to dropout. If a student chooses to dropout, he or she should receive consequences. However, if legislators do not want to require all states to graduate all students, every state should be made to raise the age to 18. Conclusion In conclusion, there is still an abundance of progress that must be made. The government should take serious measures in order to make the dropout rate decline. Education is the key to upward mobility. Students have to be motivated in order to remain in school. If not, they will become disinterested and the contemplation of dropping out will become a process. In addition, if this crisis is going to end, the schools need to have the best educators who are willing to not only teach, but to interact with the students to assure that they are doing their best. In regards to further research, there will have to be more research done after more programs and laws are implemented. More research has to be conducted in order for the researchers to better understand how to decrease the rate of high school dropouts and to keep the rate low. Furthermore, there was no research found in regards to how to end the crisis altogether. The main reason for this may be that the rate has to be decreased before researchers and scholars can look into how to rid the nation of dropouts. Appendix High School Dropouts, Effectiveness of Programs, Prevention Survey 1.) Do you know anyone who has dropped out of high school? a.) Yes b.) No 2.) What year did he/she drop out of high school? a.) Sophomore b.) Junior c.) Senior 3.) What kind of high school did he/she attend? a.) Public b.) Private 4.) What is he/she currently doing in regards to a career and/or their future? 5.) What kind of environment did he/she grow up in? a.) Suburban b.) Urban (inner city) 6.) Was he/she raised in a single parent home? a.) Yes b.) No 7.) Did he/she participate in any extracurricular activities? a.) Yes b.) No 8.) Some states allow students to drop out of high school at the age of sixteen (16). Should all states require students to graduate from high school? a.) Yes b.) No 9.) If you believe that more programs should be implemented to keep students in school, what kind of programs would you suggest? 10.) Why do you think that the rate of high school dropouts continues to increase? 11.) If you know someone who dropped out of high school, did they ever go back to? attain a GED? a.) Yes b.) No 12.) If they did not go back to school, what did they choose to do? 13.) Has that individual been dramatically effected in regards to employment because of dropping out of high school? a.) Yes b.) No 14.) Have you ever contemplated dropping out of high school? a.) Yes b.) No 15.) Who and/or what motivated you to graduate from high school? 16.) Have you heard about any of the programs or policies that are directed towards? keeping students in school and/or high school dropouts? a.) Yes b.) No 17.) Did he/she dropout due to personal illness or pregnancy? a.) Personal illness b.) Pregnancy 18.) Was the student in the criminal justice system? a.) Yes b.) No 19.) Did he/she dropout because of family financial needs? a.) Yes b.) No 20.) Did he/she dropout because they did not see the value of education? a.) Yes b.) No

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Diversity Impact on Individual Behavior Essay -- Sociology Sociologica

Diversity Impact on Individual Behavior Behavior refers to the actions or reactions of an object or organism, usually in relation to the environment. Behavior can be conscious or unconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary. Behavior is controlled by the nervous system; the complexity of the behavior is related to the complexity of the nervous system. Generally, organisms with complex nervous systems have a greater capacity to learn new responses and thus adjust their behavior. Human behavior is the collection of activities by human beings and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, ethnicity, gender, ethics, religion, authority, persuasion, and/or coercion. The behavior of people falls within a range with some behaviors being common, some unusual, some acceptable, and some outside acceptable limits. The acceptability of behavior is measured by social norms and regulated by various means of social control. The impact that ethnicity has on behavior cannot be ignored. At work, school, and church we experience the influences of ethnicity every day. Behavior in Southern California is influenced by the Latino population. The Latino population in California has grown by a factor of ten since 1950, and now comprises 32 percent of the state's 33.8 million people. Between 1990 and 2000, Latinos accounted for three-fourths of the state's population growth and the numbers will triple by 2050, outpacing the growth of all other minority groups according to the Bu...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Computer Outsourcing Security Risk :: Globalization Essays Papers

Computer Outsourcing Security Risk Inherent security risks of outsourcing -- what the CIO should know who were previously competitors are partnering in order that they may share risk, preserve capital, and gain market share from other competitors. It seems as though some companies soon will have outsourced so much of their business they will be in danger of becoming a business in name or brand only. While there can be many business benefits to outsourcing business functions and partnering with vendors and others in your business, the downside is always that it brings much added risk to your supporting systems, networks, and business critical applications. The more your network is extended and the more nodes or hosts are added-then all the more intrusion vectors (new and vulnerable risk points) become available for possible exploit and resultant harm to your company. As you connect your networks with various outsourcers, partners, vendors, alliances, and even consortiums you may, and probably will, connect with whom they do. The above connection scenario changes the established trust model from explicit and understood trust to one of transitive implicit trust. This is the "I may trust you but I do not necessarily trust who you trust" scenario. What can make the issue all the more complicated is that the company you outsource critical functions to may outsource some of its critical functions as well, and, you may not realize the potential impact to you until after long-term contracts are signed. Then it may be too late to amend contracts in order to protect your company from potential loss and liability. More connections to your network will bring more intrusion vectors or risks. These risk points must be tightly controlled and monitored at all times. Some companies may have hundreds of network connections, using a variety of communication methods, e.g. Internet, frame relay, leased line, microwave, wireless, satellite, fiber, ad nauseum. With so much variety in your connection types how will you know if a breach (successful or unsuccessful) in your network has o ccurred? How can you know what is happening in your partner's networks, or in the networks of those whom he is connected to? It may likely be through your friendly partner connections that you become open to intrusion, not from a more direct outside intrusion. Watch those trusted host relationships carefully. Are you ready to respond to a breach of your network? Usually, agreements are made and contracts are signed before a project team becomes involved in implementing a connection for a partner or an outsourcing contract.

Joseph Stalin :: Biography, Staling

Joseph Stalin was a very powerful and murderous dictator (Joseph 1). He was the second leader of the Soviet Union (Stalin 1). Joseph Stalin’s real name was losif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was born on December 18, 1879 in Gori, Georgia (1). Was educated at the Tiflis Theological Seminary (Kreis 1). Was born of illiterate peasant parents, his harsh spirit have been blamed on undeserved and severe beatings by his father, inspiring vengeful feelings toward anyone in a position to wield power over him (Stalin 1). His mother set him on a path to become a priest, and he studied Russian Orthodox Christianity until he was nearly twenty (1). He studied at a theological seminary where he began to read Marxist literature ( Joseph 1). He never graduated, instead devoted his time to the revolutionary movement against the Russian monarchy (1). Stalin was not one of the decisive players in the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917, but he soon rose through the ranks of the party (Joseph 1). After Lenin’s death in 1924, a triumvirate of Stalin, Kamenev, and Zinoviev governed against Trotsky and Bukharin ( Stalin 2). The final stage of Stalin’s rise to power was the ordered assassination of Trotsky in Mexico in 1940, where he had lived since 1936 (Stalin 2). Indeed, after Trotsky’s death only two members of the â€Å"old Bolsheviks† remained – Stalin himself and his foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov (2). Stalin consolidated his power base with the Great Purges against his political and ideological opponents, most notably the old cadres and the rank and file of Bolshevik Party (Stalin 2). The population suffered immensely during the Great Terror of the 1930s, during which Stalin purged the party of ‘enemies of the people’, resulting in the execution of thousands and the exile of millions to the gulag system of slave labor camps (Joseph 1). He also orchestrated a massive famine in the Ukraine in which a estimated 5 million people died (Stalin 2). It is believed that with the purges, forced famines, state terrorism, labor camps, and forced migration, Stalin was responsible for the death of as many as 40 million people within the borders of the Soviet Union (2). These purges severely depleted the Red Army, and despite repeated warnings, Stalin was ill prepared for Hitler’s attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941 (Joseph 1). His political future, and that of the Sovi et Union, hung in the balance, but Stalin recovered to lead his country to victory (1).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Did chivalry provide medieval aristocrats?

Chivalry is defined as the ideal qualifications of a knight which includes all the characteristics of valor, courtesy, generosity and dexterity in arms. The code of Chivalry also states that a knight lives to defend crown and country. To protect, serve and follow the church. Chivalry was the highest order that a Knight has to follow. Others see it as the strictest order of discipline among warriors clad in armor. Perceived as defenders of the King, the Church and the people, they uphold virtues and the ideals of the church During the Middle Ages, knighthood was only limited to the nobles in society.Close relatives of the king to assume the role of knights. For them to become a knight, they must embark on a ritual that will seal their loyalty and lives to the cause. As stated in the code of Chivalry, Thou shall remain faithful to thy pledged word.   They are tasked to obey the orders of the King, to defend the ideals of the church, and to protect the people, the weak and the innocen t. They were in a total position to closely follow the code of chivalry. During these times, they were the yielding force of the church.They were tasked with defending the principles of the clergy. If they were so ordered to embark on a crusade or simply punish infidels who were a threat to the Eastern Church at that time. Knighthood is the privilege given to nobles. They are regarded, especially with their high class noble ranking as someone who will set themselves as good examples for the community. Nobility has the power to influence; therefore it is regarded as something that must be done to show the correct path and persuade others to follow the path in the service of rightness.These were the much honored characteristics of chivalry during the middle ages. These the codes of discipline that guides a knight in practicing the most revered order during those times. Others see chivalry as nothing else but a political veneer for the nobles during those times. As the great historian Johan Huizinga, according to his works in his book, â€Å"The Waning of the Middle Ages† he stated there thatChivalry was nothing more than the nobles’ pastime. They glorified the ceremonies and the occasions garbled in robes and gold goblets, reliving the glorious days patterned after the idealistic values of Chivalry. Conducting tournaments patterned after the styles of knights in armor jousting against each other. This according to Huizinga was nothing more than a pastime for the nobles in their search for identity and to profess and show their status in society. Historians also beg to differ to the functions of the Knights during medieval times.They claimed that the Knights primary function is to be the right arm of the church. Yielding to every command that the church designates. They were supposed to live and uphold the very teachings of the church in their everyday lives. They are exemplified role models for society and are supposed to carry out the values and s et forth right examples for the citizens to follow. They are also as consequence of their vows and status in the society, required to defend his high Baron or Lord over his interests.These may as well be the profound statements that we are looking for that will show that the Knights were used as â€Å"pawns† not only by the church but also by their superiors. This thinking has led me to explain how the nobility was expanded from the close relatives of the King, to select members of society. This happened in 1307- 1397 after the death of Edward I. The title of Earl was only limited in the circle of the Royal family. It was only to be given to the immediate relatives of the King. But as the events would have it.The title was given to selected individuals in society by the basis of wealth influence and considerable political influence within their territories. This move was implemented during the reign of King Stephen (1135-1154) and his rival, Empress Matilda in an attempt to o utbid each other and gather support from Barons in order to claim hierarchy to the throne. This was a move which cheapened the Aristocracy of the Noble Status in the middle ages.The problem for the King was if he was promoting the  right individuals for the status. Politically, it was a move that is dangerous to the Reign of the King. If the right individuals are given such status, it is to the advantage of the king but if the king thinks that he has the wrong individuals in place, serious political problems may occur. Now what is the relevance of this historical aspect to the chivalry that the knights display in medieval times?According to this, if the people whom the king has chosen to be around him for the purpose of political power are indeed the correct people, them all of this comes into place, but if the incorrect people are placed, then this is a question of authority and hierarchical imbalance for the Knights whom are supposed to follow their immediate Lords. The code of Chivalry according to the Knights stands.Live to serve King and Country, defend thy Land from those who rob and steal from our people. These are the guiding principles for the Knights; I have to give them that. But this is not entirely the case for the aristocrats whom the Knights serve. If the wrong people are placed and with the codes of Chivalry for Knights to follow, it simply gives Chivalry a bad name. In my position, I think that Chivalry is misused by some aristocrats and the clergy during those times.The clergy, for instance in reference to the meaning of chivalry has learned to manipulate it. The ways in which Chivalry is regarded as the highest social order in which Knights are to follow became the arm that controls the mindset of those who follow it and makes them believe that the course of action that take is still in line with the codes of Chivalry. Like the famous Crusades of the Middle Ages. The knights were the messengers of the church at that time and were tasked to carry out to expand the influence of the church. They were told to carry out the tasks of expanding the territories of the kingdom and destroying the so-called â€Å"infidels† who are poised to bring danger to the kingdom and to the church. This for me brings a unique approach on how Chivalry was used by the Nobles and the clergy to carry-out their interests.As political thinkers point it out, the idea of chivalry was indeed taken for granted by the Nobles and the church for their political gains and self interests. As stated in the Book of Chivalry, the Knights way of life is focused on military tactics and training, and is expected for them to use the abilities and skills that they’ve learned for the protection of the King and his constituents. In this case, the King seeing the opportunity may authorize to carry out orders for his Knights to follow.Now with these facts in hand, I would like to answer the question that Chivalry is used by Nobles as an escape to a fan tasy world to which they will retreat. The answer based on the facts stated is yes. Although Chivalry was a word used to describe the highest order of discipline among the Knights, it was also regarded as a tool for Nobles to use in order to carry out their interests. The Nobles dwell into the â€Å"Dogmas† or truths surrounding the code of Chivalry that they find it hard for Knights to disagree.I’d like to place my own personal views on this statement. The codes of are for the Knights to follow, if I am a noble I can be reassured that I will be followed by my Knights who are loyal to me and will do what I say as long as my commands fall into the concept of Chivalry . It’s a simple task of manipulating the thoughts of individuals who are so keen in following rules that in order for me to bend such rules; I have to go over it but on a minimal degree.For me if I would put myself on a Noble’s place, I would see Chivalry as a tool to experiment with and carry out my vested interests with the use of such resources such as my knights who have profound influence over the people which allows them to carry out my orders without the fear of rejection among the citizenry. This is a yes based on the theories stated above. But I’d like to argue with these theories in my own personal view over Chivalry.I believe Chivalry itself was not used as a fantasy world by the nobles to retreat to, but I think the concept of Chivalry was the one used and abused by the nobles into retreating to what we call their fantasy world. In my own personal opinion, I think it is unfair that the  historians’ claim that Chivalry has misled the Knights into thinking that they are following the codes when they carry out the tasks assigned to them. I believe that this is a simple confusion on how the historians and I view Chivalry.If the historians, political thinkers and writers of our time see it as merely manipulating Knights and using them to fulfill th eir own gains, I see it as the code in which Knights follow to the highest order. Be it abused or not by their leaders, it is not a question of Noble’s using it for their fantasy goals, but for me it is a commitment to an ideal that you follow. The very basic rules that align your life and sets your goals. It is the very mindset that sets you apart from the barbarians and infidels who mock the very ideals of it. It is a way of life that Knights follow and I strongly believe that it is the most disciplined code which can still be followed even in this modern day and age.The words of the Code of Chivalry may be old and often be referred to as sayings of the past, but I do know that these can still shape an individuals life into doing what is good and what is fair to his fellow man. For some this may be a retreat to a fantasy world by Nobles, but for me I have to argue that it is not. If manipulating the concept of Chivalry will be the case it’s a yes, but Chivalry itself is a word that best exemplifies the conduct that a man must follow to live in a world of reality, not fantasy.Huizinga, J. The Waning of the Middle Ages. n.d.Keen, M. Chivalry. Yale University Press, 2005.M.Keen. Nobles, Knights, and Men at Arms in the Middle Ages. The Hambledon Press, n.d.Scattergood, V. J. English Court Culture in the Later Middle Ages. n.d.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 64

â€Å"Holy shit!† The pilot pulled back on the stick, jolting upward. The black mountain of steel rose before them out of the waves without warning. A gargantuan unmarked submarine blew its ballast and rose on a cloud of bubbles. The pilots exchanged uneasy laughs. â€Å"Guess that's them.† As ordered, the transaction proceeded under complete radio silence. The doublewide portal on the peak of the sail opened and a seaman flashed them signals with a strobe light. The chopper then moved over the sub and dropped a three-man rescue harness, essentially three rubberized loops on a retractable cable. Within sixty seconds, the three unknown â€Å"danglers† were swinging beneath the chopper, ascending slowly against the downdraft of the rotors. When the copilot hauled them aboard-two men and a woman-the pilot flashed the sub the â€Å"all clear.† Within seconds, the enormous vessel disappeared beneath the windswept sea, leaving no trace it had ever been there. With the passengers safely aboard, the chopper pilot faced front, dipped the nose of the chopper, and accelerated south to complete his mission. The storm was closing fast, and these three strangers were to be brought safely back to Thule AFB for further jet transport. Where they were headed, the pilot had no idea. All he knew was that his orders had been from high up, and he was transporting very precious cargo. 75 When the Milne storm finally exploded, unleashing its full force on the NASA habisphere, the dome shuddered as if ready to lift off the ice and launch out to sea. The steel stabilizing cables pulled taut against their stakes, vibrating like huge guitar strings and letting out a doleful drone. The generators outside stuttered, causing the lights to flicker, threatening to plunge the huge room into total blackness. NASA administrator Lawrence Ekstrom strode across the interior of the dome. He wished he were getting the hell out of here tonight, but that was not to be. He would remain another day, giving additional on-site press conferences in the morning and overseeing preparations to transport the meteorite back to Washington. He wanted nothing more at the moment than to get some sleep; the day's unexpected problems had taken a lot out of him. Ekstrom's thoughts turned yet again to Wailee Ming, Rachel Sexton, Norah Mangor, Michael Tolland, and Corky Marlinson. Some of the NASA staff had begun noticing the civilians were missing. Relax, Ekstrom told himself. Everything is under control. He breathed deeply, reminding himself that everyone on the planet was excited about NASA and space right now. Extraterrestrial life hadn't been this exciting a topic since the famous â€Å"Roswell incident† back in 1947-the alleged crash of an alien spaceship in Roswell, New Mexico, which was now the shrine to millions of UFO-conspiracy theorists even today. During Ekstrom's years working at the Pentagon, he had learned that the Roswell incident had been nothing more than a military accident during a classified operation called Project Mogul-the flight test of a spy balloon being designed to listen in on Russian atomic tests. A prototype, while being tested, had drifted off course and crashed in the New Mexico desert. Unfortunately, a civilian found the wreckage before the military did. Unsuspecting rancher William Brazel had stumbled across a debris field of radical synthesized neoprene and lightweight metals unlike anything he'd ever seen, and he immediately called in the sheriff. Newspapers carried the story of the bizarre wreckage, and public interest grew fast. Fueled by the military's denial that the wreckage was theirs, reporters launched investigations, and the covert status of Project Mogul came into serious jeopardy. Just as it seemed the sensitive issue of a spy balloon was about to be revealed, something wonderful happened. The media drew an unexpected conclusion. They decided the scraps of futuristic substance could only have come from an extraterrestrial source-creatures more scientifically advanced than humans. The military's denial of the incident obviously had to be one thing only-a cover-up of contact with aliens! Although baffled by this new hypothesis, the air force was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. They grabbed the alien story and ran with it; the world's suspicion that aliens were visiting New Mexico was far less a threat to national security than that of the Russians catching wind of Project Mogul. To fuel the alien cover story, the intelligence community shrouded the Roswell incident in secrecy and began orchestrating â€Å"security leaks†-quiet murmurings of alien contacts, recovered spaceships, and even a mysterious â€Å"Hangar 18† at Dayton's Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the government was keeping alien bodies on ice. The world bought the story, and Roswell fever swept the globe. From that moment on, whenever a civilian mistakenly spotted an advanced U.S. military aircraft, the intelligence community simply dusted off the old conspiracy. That's not an aircraft, that's an alien spaceship! Ekstrom was amazed to think this simple deception was still working today. Every time the media reported a sudden flurry of UFO sightings, Ekstrom had to laugh. Chances were some lucky civilian had caught a glimpse of one of the NRO's fifty-seven fast-moving, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft known as Global Hawks-oblong, remote-controlled aircraft that looked like nothing else in the sky. Ekstrom found it pathetic that countless tourists still made pilgrimages to the New Mexico desert to scan the night skies with their video cameras. Occasionally one got lucky and captured â€Å"hard evidence† of a UFO-bright lights flitting around the sky with more maneuverability and speed than any aircraft humans had ever built. What these people failed to realize, of course, was that there existed a twelve-year lag between what the government could build and what the public knew about. These UFO-gazers were simply catching a glimpse of the next generation of U.S. aircraft being developed out at Area 51-many of which were the brainstorms of NASA engineers. Of course, intelligence officials never corrected the misconception; it was obviously preferable that the world read about another UFO sighting than to have people learn the U.S. military's true flight capabilities. But everything has changed now, Ekstrom thought. In a few hours, the extraterrestrial myth would become a confirmed reality, forever. â€Å"Administrator?† A NASA technician hurried across the ice behind him. â€Å"You have an emergency secure call in the PSC.† Ekstrom sighed, turning. What the hell could it be now? He headed for the communications trailer. The technician hurried along beside him. â€Å"The guys manning the radar in the PSC were curious, sir†¦ â€Å" â€Å"Yeah?† Ekstrom's thoughts were still far away. â€Å"The fat-body sub stationed off the coast here? We were wondering why you didn't mention it to us.† Ekstrom glanced up. â€Å"I'm sorry?† â€Å"The submarine, sir? You could have at least told the guys on radar. Additional seaboard security is understandable, but it took our radar team off guard.† Ekstrom stopped short. â€Å"What submarine?† The technician stopped now too, clearly not expecting the administrator's surprise. â€Å"She's not part of our operation?† â€Å"No! Where is it?† The technician swallowed hard. â€Å"About three miles out. We caught her on radar by chance. Only surfaced for a couple minutes. Pretty big blip. Had to be a fat-body. We figured you'd asked the navy to stand watch over this op without telling any of us.† Ekstrom stared. â€Å"I most certainly did not!† Now the technician's voice wavered. â€Å"Well, sir, then I guess I should inform you that a sub just rendezvoused with an aircraft right off the coast here. Looked like a personnel change. Actually, we were all pretty impressed anyone would attempt a wet-dry vertical in this kind of wind.†

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Unit Two Study Guide Fall

Demonstrate an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the whitetail arts through using oral, written, or visual means to communicate an informed personal reaction to works of theatre. (Communication Skills) 4. Show social responsibility through intercultural study and discovery of regional, national and/or global artistic traditions In theatre. (Social Responsibility) The Actor 1. What does Thespian mean? Thespian means Actor. 2. Describe the acting profession as stated in your book? Most bewildering profession. Can be extraordinarily rewarding but also most tough and demanding.Takes incredible sacrifices from every area of life: Financial, virtual, mental, and physical. 3. Define representation training/acting. Acting emanates from somewhere INSIDE the actor. Studies the role closely, uses imagination, lives the life of the character. 4. Define presentational training/acting. Actor presents something to the audience. 5. What Is The Method? 7 Elements: Cadenza , Public solitude, Subtext of meaning, Artistic communion, Emotional memory, Physical actions, Hard work 6. What school was founded by Elli Kane and who was this school's most influential teacher?Actor†s Studio: Lee Strangers 7. What two features are required to make a good actor? Acting from the Inside and Acting from the Outside. Actor's instrument, Actor's method of approaching a role 8. What are the three parts to the actor's instrument/self? Body, Voice, Imagination 9. Inhalation, practically understood as an element of voice, is sometimes seen to be mystically equivalent to what? Inspiration 10. What are the elements of voice? Breathing, Phonated, Resonance 11. What are the elements of speech? Articulation, Pronunciation, Phrasing 12.What is projection? 13. What is resonance? The sympathetic vibration, â€Å"Resounding† of the voice, as it is heard in the throat, the chest, and the head 14. What is the major psychological component of the actor's instrument? Imagi nation 15. What is cadenza? The Character's Problem 16. What are the three stages of the actor's routine? Audition, Rehearsal, and Performance 17. What is an audition? Primary process in which acting roles are awarded. Actor has opportunity to demonstrate to the director how well he or she can fulfill a role. 18. What is blocking?Stage movements 19. What is stage business? Stage actions – scripted or seemingly unconscious physical behaviors 20. What is subtext? The unspoken and underscored character goals hidden beneath the lines. The Playwright 1. What is the most important trait of the playwright? Independence. 2. Why is every person a playwright? Because we dream. 3. What is the core of every play? Action 4. What are the playwright's two tools? Dialogue and Physical Action. 5. Explain the concept of continuous and linear in a play. Means Continuous in Structure and Linear in chronology.Point to point, cause and effect storytelling. Remains basic architecture to most popula r and serious plays. 6. Explain the statement â€Å"Intrigue draws us into the world of the play; credibility keeps us there. † Intrigue demanding surprise, credibility demanding consistency. They generate a kind of believable wonder; Credibility alone will not suffice to make a play interesting, and intrigue alone cannot make a incredible play palatable. 7. What is â€Å"richness† in playwright? Leaves a sense of satisfaction; Richness of detail and richness or dimension 8. Explain â€Å"depth of character. Requires that every character possess an independence of intention, expression, and motivation. 9. What is gravity in a play? The central theme is one of serious and lasting significance in humanists spiritual, oral, or intellectual life. 10. Who is David Mate? Successful Playwright 1 . Name and understand the four major staging formats. Proscenium, Arena, Thrust, Black Box 2. What is another name for the picture frame stage? Proscenium 3. What is a scenery center ed staging format? 4. What are the actor centered rather than scenery centered type staging formats? Thrust, Arena, and Black Box 5.What type of stage dispenses with all scenery except floor treatment, furniture, and out of the way staging or hanging pieces to focus attention on the actors? Arena 6. Describe a black box stage area. Simple space able to adapt to a variety of staging styles. â€Å"Experimental Atmosphere† 7. What is realistic scenery? Attempts to depict, often in great detail, a specific time and place in the real world where the plays events are presumed to take place. 8. What is metaphorical scenery? Favors visual images that seek to evoke the production's intended theme, mood, or social/political implications 9.What is a flat? Portable framed wall sections, usually represent walls and occasionally the ceilings of a real room 10. What is a cyclorama? Hanging fabric stretched between upper/lower pipes and curved to cover back and sides of the stage. Colored wi th lights 11. What is a scrim? Can make things appear and disappear; Loosely woven gauzy fabric, lit from the front, solid, lit from the back, see through 12. What is stage machinery? Give examples. Anything that moves; Fly systems, wagons, elevators, wagons 13. When was electricity introduced into American theatres for lighting? 1879 14.What are the primary considerations of lighting design? Visibility and Focus 15. What were the first theatrical costumes? Ceremonial vestments 6. What was the ancient and original use of costume? Separate Actor from Audience 17. What are the four primary functions of modern costume design? Ceremonial Magic, Social and Cultural values of the world being portrayed, individuality of each character, wearable clothing for the actor 18. What function does makeup serve? Evoke or highlight psychological traits, illustrate character, simplify and embolden actor's features 19. In regards to makeup, what is the face considered?Canvas The Director 1. What are t he tasks of the director? What are the three eras of the director? Teacher, Realism, Anti-Realism 3. What are Andre Antoine and Constantine Statisticians primarily known as and what was their primary focus in the theatre? Naturalists. Sought to make the theatre a powerful social and artistic instrument for the expression of truth 4. Who is generally regarded as the first modern director? Saxes Engineer 5. What are styling directors? Unrestrained by rigid formulas w/ respect to verisimilitude or realistic behavior 6. Who founded the Theatre d'art in Paris in 1890?Paul Fort 7. Who evolved his theatre of biomedical constructivism in Moscow? Absolved Empowered 8. What is the director's primary responsibility? To envision the main lines of the production and to provide the artistic leadership to realize that vision 9. What are the roles of the producer? Finance the production, create and manage the budget, choosing and acquiring the theatre facility, establishing the plays rehearsal and performance dates, handle legal and business aspects, and oversee publicity, casting, ticketing, etc. 10. What is the criterion for play selection?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Tuition reimbursement

Organizations which fail to empower their human resources through putting in place proper knowledge management policies fail to benefit optimally from the potential in their employees. Tuition reimbursement is the best form of employee empowerment. Introduction Business organizations more than ever before are faced with a great risk of high employee turnover. To keep employees contented and well motivated, the organization must be seen to be genuinely interested in employee career growth and development.There is no better way to do this than tuition reimbursement study program for employees which enables employees to enroll for relevant courses as adult learners. The duty of companies in the whole program is the provision of financial help to meet the cost of education of the adult learners. The companies also contribute by providing adequate time for the employees. Tuition reimbursement programs are very important to an organization in a number of ways. Tuition reimbursement program s have been found to have a positive correlation with employee productivity (Kiser, 1999).This implies an increase in the productivity capability of a company especially considering the fact that, employees who undergo the program attain new skills and are either able to perform more effectively, or could as well increase their output in that, they become able to use new technologies for instance IT based technologies in their tasks. Employees who have been through these programs are also capable off executing more complex tasks faster and more effectively than their counterparts who lack that additional knowledge.Alternatively, the employees are more empowered to increase their performance in comparison with their past performances. According to (Kitano, & Morey, 1996) employee view tuition reimbursement programs as a sign of confidence and trust the company has in them, this in turn is reciprocated by their employees becoming more loyal and committed to their duties compared to th e period before. To some employees, the effect of such supportive and empowerment program is so big that, they become more loyal, submissive and committed in their duties following such decisions by their employers to cater for their education needs (Keegan, 1994).Employee tuition reimbursement programs have been found to indirectly contribute to the companies’ growth considering the fact that, the workers become more loyal, committed, skillful and effective as a result of the tuition reimbursement programs. Tuition reimbursement most likely leads to companies saving costs associated with the process of always having to always hire and train new employees as well as the time it takes for new recruits to settle upon being recruited.The process of hiring new staff is both time consuming and capital intensive and therefore not cost effective therefore any effort which can counter this is welcome by companies as a lifeline. Tuition reimbursement programs are very good at this. Th e federal government encourages companies to offer tuition reimbursement by in turn giving tax benefits to those companies which offer such programs. Therefore, tuition reimbursement is in that way, an advantage to companies in that, they stand to save expenditure while at the same gaining from a more empowered workforce.Tuition reimbursements are beneficial to employees who improve their worthiness through acquisition of more skills. In an increasingly competitive, market environment, employees stand better chances of getting promotions or jobs elsewhere if they posses more qualifications. Tuition reimbursement empowers employees and positions them strategically to compete in an increasingly competitive job market. Tuition reimbursement programs grants employees a chance to relive their unachieved dreams especially in terms of unattained academic qualifications.This further improves the connection between employees and their employers, a bond which every company longs to have in th e work place. According to (Greengard, 1999), tuition reimbursement achieves the desired learning in adult learners who are considered as pursuing academics with a clear focus especially considering the fact that, they can clearly link class theories and concepts with real life situations, this is what is the aim of any educational program.Therefore, adult learning is very beneficial to adults and all the gains are likely to trickle down to the company once the adult learner has grasped the intended skills. Unlike beginners who do not have any practical experience on their job tasks, adult learners easily connect theories and apply such to difficult issues in the work place to accomplish difficult tasks which an employee who is fresh from college may find impossible to accomplish. Tuition reimbursement is not a perfect program and therefore it has its own downfalls and challenges.First of all, adult learners are usually psychologically and unprepared for classroom teaching especiall y whereby they have to go back to colleges and study in integrated classes with young students. Some feel out of place and this can greatly affect their performance in the different courses they intend to pursue. This has been found to be a major set back in the tuition reimbursement program. The fact that, the tuition programs meet the tuition costs associated with learning leaves the adult learners with a financial burden to deal with.Some of the adult are barely financially well up and the learning program may mess up their finances and therefore interfere with their normal lives. This can be a source of stress in some occasions something which can cause job related stress hence affect job performance. The tuition reimbursement programs may also become a source of frustration for employees who attend such courses with high ambitions and yet fail to realize such dreams even after attaining the academic credentials.For instance, most employees enroll in such learning employees in a bid to gain promotions once they graduate, when ever their expectations are not met, this could prove a challenge for the employee and therefore lead the employee to be de-motivated or to leave the job altogether. Companies risk losing incase employees decide to search for better jobs after a lot has been spend on their training. This especially happens in situations whereby, employees are not genuinely interested in staying in their current jobs but see the learning opportunities as a chance to better their employment chances.Other challenges of implementing such programs include, as improved expenditure and therefore loss of profits, loss of time, the risk of loosing the companies to better paying companies or competitors once the company has invested heavily on the training as well as the fact that, some employees never show any meaningful improvement job performance despite the company spending too much money in their training are nothing compared to the benefits resulting ther eafter.Conclusion In light of the above mentioned advantages of tuition reimbursement programs, there is a need for organizations to incorporate tuition reimbursement programs in their employee development plans. Companies need to view these programs as beneficial to them only if the companies are ready to utilize them. The challenges which companies expect to gain as a result of the tuition reimbursement programs are nothing compared to the numerous benefits as listed above.However, all sides should be considered before an organization decides to support such programs. Advantages of the tuition reimbursement programs are numerous and include amongst others, winning employee loyalty, increased productivity, attraction of the best talent, decreased employee turnover, increased employee motivation, the tax benefits associated with the tuition reimbursement programs as well as increasing literacy levels in the society and improvement of service delivery as a result of well trained and qualified staff.From the analysis above, it is evident that, organizations which fail to empower their human resources through putting in place proper knowledge management policies are likely fail to benefit optimally from the potential in their employees. Tuition reimbursement is the best form of employee empowerment as it brings a lot of advantages not only to the company but also to the employees. ReferencesGreengard, S. 1999. Web-Based Training Yields Maximum Returns. Workforce. 78[2]. Keegan, D. 1994. Otto Peters on Distance Education: The Industrialization of Teaching and Learning. New York. Routledge. Kiser, K. 1999. 10 things we know so far about online training. Training, 36 [11]. Kitano, M. & Morey, A. 1996. Multicultural Course Transformation in Higher Education. Old Tappan, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.